The cosmic activities which began in the final quarter of 2016 and will be SERIOUSLY ESCALATING throughout 2017 have been beyond extraordinary…

We have entered a NEW Galactic Gateway….

Can you feel the energetic shifts which are going on?
Have you felt the dynamic consciousness transformations taking place?
Are you sensing the truly transformational changes which are happening energetically?

This month is a 1-1in Sacred Numerology…
It has potent energies to assist us in elevating our Consciousness OUT of 3D and into 5D
Out of the linear and into the non linear…

We are now capable of experiencing time in non linear way…
Changing and transmuting things into love and light for all…
Be-gone with the old, outmoded pain and suffering of duality and separation…

The Galactic Gateway which we now exist in has brought with it a opportunity to activate our dormant DNA, expand our cellular memories and upgrade our morpho-genetic fields…

Our bodies are evolving quickly, beyond a cellular level…

But know this: We MUST ACTIVELY participate in this shift energetically…we cannot sit on the sidelines….without fully engaging we will likely be caught off guard with the magnitude of these waves of energy if we are not aligned with them…

Welcome to the cutting-edge of consciousness…

I’m SO excited to share with you the new activations, energy and consciousness that has been coming through me in preparation for the upcoming linear year of 2017….

Please join us for the FIRST ALL NEW Ascension, Manifestation & Healing Circle of 2017:

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