My sincere apologies for being out of touch for so long….I have so much new information from the non physical realms regarding the latest timeline splits and new Ascension updates. I have been doing much of my own inner transformation and lots of gridwork and gate keeper work behind the scenes to assist with what appears to many to be a very tumultuous time on Gaia…and yes, we have shifted…
Along with so many other gatekeepers and Starseeds, we are continually anchoring in light and transforming shadow to insure a peaceful transition for all of humanity. And while it may not appear this way to many, I can assure you, things are much more benevolent then they seem to the mainstream.
Mother Earth~Gaia’s harmonics are continual and steadfast in their elevation.
Naturally, this is escalating and intensifying humanity’s awakening in truly sensational, and startling ways.
I will be sharing more about this in the next Ascension, Manifestation & Healing Circle call on Thursday, May 25th
(please note: next official date of Thursday, May 25th is not yet posted)
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