Happy Thanksgiving to YOU and your loved ones as well as your animal family members!
I am sending you and your loved ones my best wishes and most heartfelt love and compassion for a happy Thanksgiving and a joyous holiday season.

What are YOU grateful for?

Today I am grateful for YOU…and….

This morning I awoke to the most lovely peace…A kind of blissful, almost euphoric state of pure peace which I have rarely experienced while in physical human embodiment except during states of mediation (not during lucid waking states while living in the dream of the human experience :).

As a matter of fact, over the past ten years, I have noticed that most mornings when I awake I can immediately feel the current state of the collective consciousness, i.e., that which the collective of humanity is experiencing energetically…

In my earlier years of really fine-tuning my empathic nature, I used to believe it was my own energy that I was feeling…and then as linear time went on, I began to realize that the energetic states of consciousness would change depending on days of the week, for example, Friday and Sunday mornings ALWAYS feel great..and Mondays and Tuesdays typically feel frenzied and have a kind of collective anxiety…

I quickly realized that this was not my energetic state, but rather, the state of energetic consciousness that the collective was tuning into and reflecting out…

I also learned that I could track the changes based on geographical locations too, for example, the overall energy and state of energetic consciousness of Los Angeles and the people who live there on any given day, is HUGELY different from Florida and her inhabitants, and so on…

I learned this because it became very easy for me to differentiate between how I was feeling energetically, versus, what I was feeling energetically, as well as what was mine, versus what was not…which, as I became more and more aware, I realized was an indication of what the collective was feeling and experiencing…

When an entire country goes on holiday for at least two full days,
the energetic state of the planet shifts for the better.

Needless to say, when an entire country goes on holiday for at least two or three days, the peace is beyond palpable…it is blissful and euphoric.

So here’s my point: when we as a collective are more at peace, the global energy is dramatically shifted…our inner states and our cellular awareness shifts to peace…both consciously and also, unconsciously.

This in turn affects us not only personally, but also globally.

We are each responsible for our inner and outer states of peace, love, gratitude and blissful euphoria…it feels SO good.  Let’s create and experience more of that on out planet.

Claim your peace, love, joy and blissful euphoria by maintaining the sanctity of your inner and outer environment and keeping yourself balanced by knowing that whatever is going on in the outer reality, the inner space, ie, the space within you, is always at peace.

Today as we count our many, many, many blessings, I would like to offer you one more blessing of gratitude to and for YOU:

A $100 Savings OFF the current listed rate of ANY of the following home study items:

Sacred Membership – a FULL year of over 100+ hours of RICH, JUICY content including classes and mediations and transformational healing to support and assist you (and your animals) in your spiritual evolution and transformation:

Exiting The Matrix: Unplugging from the 3rd Dimensional Reality and Anchoring Into 5th Dimension – now available as a home study program with over 30+ hours plus pages and pages of downloadable pdfs of THE MOST ADVANCED and PROGRESSIVE Ascension & Metaphysical Transformation related information out there.  No kidding.

Vibrational Energy Healing & Mediation Using 5th Dimensional Frequencies for People and Animals – now available as a home study course; this is a 5th Dimensional Healing Class; you will LOVE this course and your animals will thank you for it too!

To celebrate with you, please In-Joy this $100 SAVINGS OFF the current rate , simply use the coupon code Sacred7 at check out and SAVE $100 off the current posted rate.

Let this day and season of celebration pave the way for more love, peace and unity consciousness on the planet for ALL beings. Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, we all have much to be grateful for….let’s count our blessings, whatever they may be…peace be with you!

From my family to your family, to our united family, Happy Thanksgiving! ~ In-Joy!

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