This next phase of our Ascension, which officially begins in 2018, will mark the emergence of expanded dream states and increased collective creativity, where people start living more and more authentically and choose to align with the full and embodied expressions their True Divinity and Highest Selves.

OF course there will still be many who continue to swim in the pool of the unconscious and unaware: the 3rd Dimensional Reality. These 3rd and yes, even 4th wave folks are meant to continue to secure the old structures until they are no longer needed or required.

This process will continue for at least several years until 3rd wavers choose consciousness.

As has been the case since this cycle began in the 2011 – 2012 timeline, it is still up to us Lightworkers to continue to hold and anchor in more light and divine source consciousness and higher intel into the collective reality.

The incoming energies during this month’s the next major portal will assist us as we continue our embodiment of Pure Light and as we continue to awaken the Sacred Codes within us to align ourselves more and more fully with 5th Dimensional Reality.

.The upcoming energies through this portal will be truly transformative, and as always will serve and support us as we continue to hold and anchor in higher and lighter frequencies. It is a one-derful time to ride the wave of peace, love and unity consciousness and to surrender to these frequencies of trust and reassurance that the shift which is now well underway is perfectly in divine right order.

Let us be the compassionate witnesses to ourselves and to one another during this most auspicious time. Please join us for this Tuesday’s 12-12 Speed Activations Call: