We are now moving through the Galactic Center and the 12- 12 through 12 – 21 annual Stargate Portal Gateway.
This cosmic window opens up an inter-galactic portal into multi-dimensional consciousness, expanded awareness and higher dimensional connections.

Essentially, throughout this gateway, we are completing our final passage of the year during which time we are both transcending our former reality of duality and separation and also co-creating a more integrated and entirely new paradigm of Unity Consciousness and Service to the highest and best of ALL.

During this portal, the incoming vibrations of pure photonic light from the galactic center are infusing us with these light encoded frequencies and also dissolving old out-moded beliefs, ideologies, patterns, judgements, opinions, behaviors and experiences, as well as karmic commitments and agreements and other 3rd Dimensional Matrix related creations.

As a result, we are able to easily reach throughout time and space, as well as dimensions and timelines and access vibrational realities which are not typically available to us and which have certainly not been readily available to us in previous life experiences (think past lifetimes).

It is a monumental opportunity for all of humanity.

With our conscious participation and focused intention we are able to ‘jump’ timelines and align ourselves with entirely new realities of our choosing, including our most desired hopes, dreams and desires…

This is also why the tools of manifestation are so significant at this time.

As we engage with these Ascension timelines, the old Matrix of Duality and Separation which has been based in patriarchal domination, manipulation, greed and control gradually collapses and the 3rd Dimensional reality drops away. Over linear time, a new future earth based on peace, love, joy, prosperity and unity consciousness is revealed.

These revelations are based on our frequency and vibration and they are the results of our creation from within our consciousness.

We are both the co-creators and the witnesses of an entirely new reality and a brand new paradigm of unity consciousness for all beings.

In 2018, we will be seeing more and more of the results of this months portal gateway timeline shifts.

For a clearer understanding of how this will affect our future into 2018 and beyond, join us for the next
Ascension, Manifestation & Healing Circle in January:

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