Humanity has just completed another HUGE and MASSIVE step forward in our collective evolution.

This powerful upgrade has assisted the whole of humanity to ‘level up’ into the next highest and best collective timelines – where even more humans will able to consciously experience, the higher trajectories of love, light, peace, harmony, joy and global unity consciousness; in other words, even more humans will be able to experience the Ascension process in a conscious way as we all awaken and transform.

That means that more and more of the collective is now ready to start waking up – second wavers are coming on line in FULL force and even some early 3rd wavers are starting to WAKE UP!

In the language of Lightworkers, this is cause for true celebration!

This accelerated awakening process intensified into June Solstice and throughout July eclipse season, during which time the job of Lightworkers and Starseeds, as always, is continue to resolve issues of separation on the lower timelines, and link in through the multidimensionality of our Sacred Heart center and align with the 5th Dimensional reality and beyond.

This is when we saw and experienced massive amounts of solar flair activity and massive amounts of crystalline plasma rays coming into our reality as well as huge solar wind storms (dry winds).

NOW that the summer eclipse season is O-V-E-R and the LONG retrograde season of 2018 coming to a close, there will be, through the end of 2018, a slow, easy, graceful integration period.

Use the final part of this retrograde season to complete old ‘business’…its a final cleanup from the ashes and dust left behind after an extremely intense up-heaveling.

Take time to reflect, integrate and resolve the issues which have surfaced for resolution….receive the gifts of expanded consciousness.

These are beautifully intense consciousness shifting experiences which are allowing us all ~ Including plants, minerals and animals) to wake up into the higher realities of 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensional realms.

We the light bearers are meant to anchor these higher timelines and dimensional states of consciousness into our physical reality NOW.

As we do, the SHIFT of Consciousness IS UNFOLDING with Divine Grace and Divine Benevolence and the days of the so called ‘great rapture’ is here, now.

For more info, please join us for the next small group training session to get the support, guidance, wisdom and healing you need to help navigate:

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