What a wonderful and powerfully transformative time we have been having on Planet Earth.
After a long, slow (painful?) eclipse season, followed by an intense retrograde season which is still in progress, humanity is being pushed to its emotional extremes…this grand design is ON PURPOSE…..NOTHING is an accident.
It has been such an amazing process to see the monumental shifts taking place as HUmanity is finally being ‘lovingly forced’ into more consciousness.
Indeed, we are evolving out of being left brain dominant and into being heart centered, empathic, emotionally intelligent humans…a new species…a new breed.
Every person is being confronted by their own shadow. We must make peace with, forgive and even, dare I say it: love our shadow.
That shadow may be reflected in another who is an angel, posing as your worst enemy, or a family member…it matters not.
I have heard from so many of the people in my community who have been participating in my on line events, or my annual Sacred Membership, or who have taken/followed my courses and workshops who have shared the dramatic and monumental life changes that they have experienced within themselves as a result of working with me.
I too have undergone many inner transformations which I now realize have massively shifted me for the better, even in comparison to who I was only a few short months ago.
I can see: I AM NOT who I was just before this past eclipse season began…its almost shocking, even to me.
Indeed, we are all being compelled to let go of our old stories and left brained, Reptillian based, negative alien programming and realign with a whole new way of heart centered living and being… it really is unlike anything we have known before.
I don’t think I could ever have envisaged such dramatic changes in such a short time even for myself. But the truth is, I am so much more happy, fulfilled and at peace within myself than I was only months ago….I have a much higher, broader view of my overall desires, dreams, hopes and global mission…and most important, I have been filled with a joy and deep gratitude for all I have been given and for all that has been revealed to me during this past few months since the transformational eclipse season.
Chances are, if you are consciously reflecting, you are also noticing massive changes within you, too.
The truth is: as we all choose our own unique path of love through the Sacred Heart Center, we shift old cycles within ourselves, our vibration up-levels and we anchor into a new timeline. Every aspect of our consciousness, our bodies and our lives change as we go through this process.
We are soon to enter yet another new phase of transformation on earth. We will continue to grow and evolve intensity in our day-to-day lives as we lead up to the New Year as we continue to expand our connection within our sacred heart center, and as we all commit to consciously looking, no searching, within ourselves to clear out our own inner shadow and to more fully anchor to and align with our Higher Self Source Consciousness.
It really helps to remember that we are not alone on this journey. We have one another…we have our Star Family races and the Masters in the non physical realm…. All is in hand no matter how things appear within the moment.
I send my infinite love, light and blessings out to each and every one of you.
For those who desire personal support and assistance, please join me for a small, semi-private session (only 2 spots remain) so you can get the up close and personal assistance you need and deserve. Register here: