This November 11th is a major Stargate for the year 2018…Stargates are points in linear time when ‘windows and doorways, aka, portals’ into higher, lighter, more evolved timelines of reality are WIDE OPEN for us to align with. This Stargate is also particularly significant because 11 is typically known as the number of Mastery…so this particular portal is the singular most important portal for stepping into alignment with our own sense of internal and external mastery in all areas of our lives.

For many of us, we will be dramatically shifting the realms in which we have been existing in from entirely physical and unconscious, to realms of pure consciousness… this will allow our creations to be even more conscious and to manifest with more ease as we shift out of duality and into even more unity and one-ness…these are entirely BRAND NEW realms which do NOT include history or past experiences. This BRAND NEW realm is almost completely unknown and entirely joy~love based. No density or fear passes through these portals and all density and dross is dropped out pre-portal transit.

One thing is fer sure…real and tangible contact with our Star Families and Inter Galactic Tribes is going to become more mainstream, every day reality…more and more beings will be waking up to the full realizations of their Star Family origins and this will, in turn, shift and up-level the trajectory for all involved.

For those of us who are first wave Starseeds and Wayshowers, will be serving as bridges and liaisons for the second contact, which will begin to be more and more physical in form, for more and more folks. To be direct: new direct contact in physcial form is going to become more common for even the every day folks who are just waking up… welcome to planet earth: the melting pot of The Universe.

There is absolutely no question about it: our Speed Activations, Sacred Key Code Activations, and Star Marking Activations are helping us all to come into alignment with our most benevolent and loving Galactic Families and Star Family Races so that the next level of contact can continue to materialize on the physical plane.

Please do join us for the next LIVE Speed Activations call with Sacred Key Code Activations on the 11-11 Portal: