Every year at the time of Winter~Summer Solstice, a new galactic alignment of the Center of Mother Earth, ie, the CORE of Mother Earth (note: ALSO the CORE of YOUR HEART CENTER) lines up the Sun of our Galaxy and the CENTER of our Galaxy… this is an astronomic Galactic event of truly monumental proportion.

This annual alignment takes place during a two week window of linear time surrounding the Solstice, during which time galactic energies build and intensify to the culmination galactic “moment”, which is yet another energetic upgrade for HUmanity’s evolution.

The results of this particular Galactic Alignment will become more evident on the world stage in the weeks and months following this evolutionary event.

The four most significant galactic events which will simultaneously prepare us and also bring us to the culmination moments are:

  • December 7th New Moon in Sagittarius ~ Opens Up The Galactic Window for this Galactic Alignment initiating the search for meaning, truth and higher learning..the next phase of HUmanity’s year long quest
  • December 18th-19th Exact Galactic Alignment between the Galactic Center, The Sun of God and Mother Earth, amplifying and intensifying the new higher, lighter frequencies to up-level, support and assist HU-manity in our next level quest
  • December 22nd Summer/Winter Solstice initiating a new up-leveling to restore balance, peace and harmony to all of Earth and HU-manity
  • December 22d Full Moon in Cancer, initiating the new dawn of a RETURN HOME TO OUR HEART CENTER and LOVE

This energetic window will take us into and through the entire year ahead, so it is effectively setting the precedent for your alignment with your next highest and best timeline.

To more fully understand the FULL meaning and ramifications of this MONUMENTAL Galactic Event, please join us for the only Ascension, Manifestation & Healing Circle of 2019:

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