Every year at the end of July and into August, peaking at August 8th, the Sirian Star Family Races open up a pure, undiluted portal ~ window ~ gateway ~ through our Galactic Portals to help UNIFY the HUman Race with The Intergalactic Star Family Races. This is known as the Lion’s Gate Portal.

The Sirians, as well as Royal Lion Beings, are members of the Intergalactic Star Families who have appointed this particular gateway to unify in their service and contribution to guide Humanity through this Ascension timeline and throughout this evolutionary period.

In terms of our Galaxy, The Lion’s Gate is when The Sirius Star System comes into conjunction with Solaris, aka, The Sun of God, and rises over the Egyptian pyramids (built in part by the Sirians), which in turn, amplify and intensity the energetic connection and alignment of Sirian Frequencies and Sacred Geometrical Patterns, which in turn serve in the elevation of Humanity’s Consciousness.

During this period of time, which extends through the balance of the summer and even into the balance of the calendar year, we are once again entering into yet another accelerated period of transformational change.

Traditionally, this period of time also signifies a time of great abundance, ie, to reap the rewards of the inner work which has been accomplished in the previous cycle, aka, the eclipse windows…and what follows after the portal is yet another new cycle of life.

This is to affirm that this part of the transformational change is designed to allow us to integrate the lessons, learnings, healings, activations and up-leveling we have already done in the months between the last two eclipses, from January through July.

This is great news. The 8-8 Portal Window is a much needed and very welcome time of UNIFICATION.

In this case, UNIFICATION means we become more and more embodied as GOD Beings, FREE to live in our TRUE FREQUENCIES of DIVINE Harmony and JOY.

We are all individually and collectively releasing the final remains of the old 3rd Dimensional Paradigm, including all relationships to people, places, groups, organizations, situations, circumstances and experiences which are no longer part of our future and which will never again be part of our lives. More than that, we are releasing and transforming lifetimes of old karmic ties and unresolved issues.

It’s like leaving the Dark Ages behind forever.

During the recent months, you may have been noticing more and more heart palpitations and heart fluctuations as your heart opens to more of the energetic frequencies of JOY and YOUR DNA naturally activates the CODES of JOY.

These codes of JOY will take us into the 2020 corridor for the 3rd Wave of Ascension where masses and masses of humans begin to awaken, just as we first and now second wavers have been for the past 60 years…those of us in the first and second wave are, in the months ahead, set to fully activate and integrate more of our GOD HOOD during this FULL Embodiment process..we are more and more becoming GODS IN BODIES.

Join us LIVE on the 8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal when we activate more of the
Sacred Key Codes and Star Code Markings as well as align with more of our GOD HOOD.

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