As a professional Lightworker, it has become more and more evident to me that the Mass Consciousness of Humanity IS INDEED WAKING Up.

The 2020 Collective Timeline Trajectory for MASS AWAKENING ~ WORLD WIDE AWAKENING ~ IS FULLY ANCHORED.

In the meantime, awakening Lightworkers and members of the Indigo Family Tribes are unifying in greater and greater numbers and with more and more cohesion for the upcoming PEAK of The Lion’s Gate Portal on August 8th.

This Sirian Gateway is going to be an intense heart-opening-expansion to further amplify the 5th Dimensional Grid and accelerate mass awakening just in time for the 2020 – 2021 corridor.

Hang on to your hats, (and your heart), folks.

During the upcoming week, it is our job to anchor these frequencies with The Sirian Star Family races INTO OUR HEART center (think Coherence) and simultaneously activate those gifts from our Sirian Star Families (as well as other Star Family races) INTO OUR DNA, drop it into the 5D Crystal Grid Network so that the WHOLE of HUmanity will benefit at the time when they too are ready (aka, beginning in 2020).

And here is the FACT:
These are simply THE most powerful energetic tools available to SHIFT HUmanity and to AWAKEN and TRANSFORM The Collective…not to mention healing and transforming earth into the new paradigm.

Indeed, we Lightworkers and Grid workers have been doing this for years and years now, and FINALLY, HUmanity IS WAKING UP!!!!!

We are The Emissaries of Light and the Facilitators of Consciousness.

We are the conduits and the circuitry for these new frequencies and the codes themselves.

The codes of Light (including Star Code Markings and Sacred Key Codes) are getting clearer and clearer. They have more and more significance. They are more and more valuable and more and more translatable into our new 5D Reality. They really are so helpful to us during our Ascension Process as we step more and more fully into OUR GOD Selves.

As we more and more fully re-member our soverign Creator~God Selves, and as we awaken these dormant aspects of who we truly are through heart centered love, peace and unity, we claim the KEYS to these higher realms of CONSCIOUSNESS, anchor them into the human earth grid and share them with our brothers and sisters on earth.


Join us for the next Lion’s Gate Speed Activations Call to add your light and intention to the

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