The11:11 Portal Gateway Is HERE. DNA Activations for is having a quantum effect on the MASS CONSCIOUSNESS.

The more we ACTIVELY participate, the more the masses are awakened by osmosis.


You likely have felt and experienced a particularly blissful week; this is simply the amplification of the 11-11 energies which are now in FULL FORCE through the 12-12 gateway…….needless to say, this Divine passage is supporting the 2020 corridor for MASS AWAKENING as we all step UP into our awakening and BECOMING The DIVINE in living embodiment, aka, love and light in physical form.

This new ‘blissy’ energy has been steadily increasing its frequency, needless to say, washing away all of the density of the old 3D paradigm and all aspects of duality, not to mention our own shadow selves.


As we surrender to it, express our gratitude for the transformation underway, these intense frequencies work their magic on our consciousness and literally help transform our DNA.


As we do, we pave the way for the next wave of those awakening to step UP and ALIGN as the new expression of HUman genome begins to spread and expand to IGNITE the 3rd Wave…

 JOIN US LIVE on Monday, November 11th.
ACTIVATE YOUR Dormant DNA, Your Sacred Key Codes and Claim YOUR ROYAL CODES:

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