At this point in linear time, there are overlapping gateways and portals to multiple timelines of reality.


As these timelines overlap, they attract into them and align with them vibrational matches based on frequencies of light, sound and consciousness.

Also at this time, old realities are dissolving as so many timelines are literally falling out of vibrational band width.

Check in with yourself.

  • How are you feeling?
  • How are you behaving?
  • How are you treating others?
  • How are you treating yourself?
  • Who are you being and what are you experiencing?
  • How would you feel about yourself if you took a good look at how your actions, behaviors and words were affecting others and also the entire world?
  • Are you in service to self or service to the greater good in ALL your endeavors?

You will notice what you have created and what your reality is based on your internal and external honest……if you reality is reflecting undesirable situations, that is a reflection of what you are putting out….(In 4D this is called the boomerang effect.)

Your distortions will become glaringly obvious to you. Your judgements of others will be dramatically reflected back at you at this time.

Get yourself in check, now ~ clean up whatever or wherever you may have contributed harm or detriment.Whatever is no longer fulfilling or rewarding, let it drop out. Let it go.

Use this particular portal gateway to be quiet and get still. Let this gateway level you up to the next vibrational band width – it will only happen through

1. the stillness of the mind, aka, inner peace
2. the magnetism of the heart, aka, inner love
3. the instinct of the gut, aka, inner joy
4. the consciousness of the DNA, activated aka, key codes, star code markings resonating with ASCENSION.


For more insight, support and guidance, join us for the FINAL Speed Activations Call, with Dormant DNA, Sacred Key Code, Star Code Marking and 5D Operating System Activations:

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