In January, 2020, brand new up-leveling frequencies, along with an entirely new star system and 5D grid were fully anchored here in our physical reality.

The original, organic Human Ascension has been reclaimed from the 1965 – 9/11/01 high-jacking of Humanity’s Ascension Process; indeed it is true, conspiracy is NOT a theory; the Ascension Process was hijacked during the mid 1960s, peaking out a few years after the  9/11 attack on the World Trade Towers and dropping off slowly since 2011 and 2012.

For the FULL home study webinar courses on this topic, visit:

Dark Arts Training & Psychic Self Defense:

Exiting The Matrix:

Now, with the birth of the 3rd Wave of Ascension in January 2020, new organic Ascension energies are flowing through our galaxy and the Great Central Sun, The Universe, the Cosmos, The Galactic Center, and our entire physical and non physical reality.

This is opening up access to all of the higher dimensional realms where natural divine order is restored and we are reconnected with our highest trajectories and the new original, organic, pure, 5D realities.

2020 will require us to step into a whole new level of our own personal self mastery.

The early months of this year are likely bringing up our own shadow aspects, ‘darknesses’ and demons; aka, areas where our light is shadow, like the dark matter in an ex-ray.

There is some deep and intense stuff coming up – it has a divine purpose. Rest assured, there is spiritual perfection in all of it. 

We are reclaiming our spiritual divine power.

IF your density, shadow or dark side has come out of the closet, know that this is a GIFT for you to up-level into the light – let it be your teacher, your guide out of the shadows and into the higher frequencies and the new paradigm.

Embrace the lessons.

The higher learning is to love yourself through it all.

You are lovable no matter what shows up.

You matter regardless of what shadow or darkness comes up out of your closet or what monster comes out from under the bed.

You are healing your infinite lifetimes of suffering from separation, of course.

Love yourself through it all.

Ultimately, the new 2020 energies, particularly during March, will bring up our choice points which must align with our true, authentic nature and the truth of who we are meant to become.

A huge part of this will be about reclaiming our power and potency to fully embody and align with The TRUE Divinity within us.

We are restoring our hope and faith and trust in ourselves and in The Divine.

For more assistance, please join us live for the upcoming LIVE Group Healing & Training Event where we will be reclaiming our true divine power and potency, aligning with our highest trajectory and remembering the higher truth of who we all really are.

There will be live coaching and healing for all participants and the most benevolent beings of love and light will be leading and guiding us with direct channeled information and energy from on high.  Please join us!

Join us NOW, by registering here:

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