This April 4th, aka, 4-4-4 is the ONLY TRUE and Real Triple Portal Gateway of 2020.
It is also the exact day that Jupiter crosses Pluto in our Global Astrological Line Up.

This is translates into MASSIVE GLOBAL Transformation.

This is a MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY for US Lightworkers to trigger a domino effect of massive transformational energy designed to HEAL the WHOLE of HU~manity.

For us Lightworkers, it is a GLOBAL call for UNIFICATION to BE THE CHANGE that HU~manity and all 3rd Wavers so desperately need at this time.

Our job, needless to say, is to clean up ALL Corrupted DNA and anchor in the new, 5D LIGHT into the DNA so that the new, 5D DNA is ENTIRELY IMMUNE and IMPERVIOUS to corruption in the genetics, and to EXPAND it through our lineage, thereby supporting HU~manity to clear out the CORRUPTED viral effects of Covid.

If you don’t yet know this, here is fact ~ Covid is NOT alive. It is a BOT, aka, a type of corrupted artificial intelligence, aka, INORGANIC, UN~natural viral form. Effectively, it is a form of AI, artificial intelligence. It is NOT a living organism. This artificial and corrupted program must be cleared and resolved.

Within our DNA, we also have the intelligence that ALL CELLS are STEM Cells ~ but of course, this inner intelligence must be activated.

At the same time, we must resolve the core fears associated with artificial intelligence taking over and base chakra survival issues which humanity is facing at this time, as well as core feelings of deep unworthiness and lack of joy, plus much, much more.

We will be addressing this during our next LIVE Speed Activations/Dormant DNA Activations Call.

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Our immunity is our VIBRATIONAL State of Being.

Mass Mediation and Group Healing Circles are the core solution in addition to proper attention in the physical form – healthy living, clean eating, appropriate supplementation, movement and exercise, sunlight.

Please join us on 4-4-4. Now more than ever, the world needs us. WE ARE THE SOLUTION.

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