We are literally witnessing the greatest timeline split of all of our human existence. Never before has it been so obvious, so clear.  This timeline split is both intensifying and amplifying.

In reality, we are massively transmuting all density from all lower and previous timelines at an intensely  accelerated rate; clearing lifetimes of unresolved karma faster than the speed of light; and therefore, in a non measurable way.

Those who get it, get it.

Those who don’t, are, unfortunately, ‘missing the bus’…

…and yet, this year provides them the ultimate in signage: “THIS WAY, NOT that way.”

Every layer of shadow and density is up and out and being exposed in the light; and as it is, all beings have the opportunity to choose.

Choose your reality wisely.

There is no such thing as mis-information or dis-information in the world of quantum physics and the realms of the mystical.  All there really is, is neutral information, based on energetic frequency.


The information takes on some form of energetic value (or currency) based on how we perceive and interpret it.


For example, a BRICK is JUST a BRICK. ~ There is NO STORY and at the same time, EVERY STORY connected to the brick, but in reality, the brick itself is neutral.  The ONLY story that truly matters is the story YOU assign to it. Get it?

What we are witnessing is THE DIVINE providing all options, all sacred cows, all potentials, all to our avail, to take, continue the game, OR bless and move on.


May I suggest you bless everything and move on.

Once you move on, you will come to realize that this game is complete and a new game ~ one based entirely on benevolence ~ is just barely beginning.

I will meet you there.

For more assistance and support, please join me for our next LIVE GIFTED community call on Thursday, June 11th at 4pm ET/3pm CT/2pm MT/1pm PT (+5 GMT)

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