We have just passed through the June 20th Eclipse as well as the June 21st Summer ~ Winter Solstice. We are now in the PEAK of the Summer Eclipse Portal.  We still have three more eclipses through the remainder of 2021 before we fully SHIFT into the 2021 Ascension timeline.

While it may not appear to be so in the external reality, this transitional period of the summer eclipse portal is a major Galactic Convergence which is ushering in ‘superwaves’ of high frequency Crystalline Consciousness and Divine Light from the SUN of GOD and SOURCE Consciousness.

It is also bringing us into alignment with ancient Stargates, Cosmic Portals, Celestial Pathways and Galactic Doorways.

This is an extremely potent new beginning for all of HUmanity which is presenting personal reset moments to seed even more new potentials and possibilities for rapid inner and outer transformation which will in turn offer all beings new opportunities for expansion and evolution.

The consciousness ground is FERTILE to co create our next phase of REAL-ity.

As a STARSEED and LIGHTWORKER sub-collective, we are literally infiltrating and penetetrating the VERY FOUNDATION of HUmanity’s consciousness, providing them with ALL NEW opportunities to WAKE UP and SHIFT to the higher trajectories, before the final bi-furcation of densities, which has certainly already begun.

WE are AWAKENING the masses from this most critical point of MASS AWAKENING which, while challenging to those who have been in a deep slumber, will provide them with the maximum opportunity to LEVEL UP and STEP INTO ALIGNMENT with their highest and best trajectory.

For now,  May YOU eclipse ALL your shadow aspects and UP~LEVEL and ELEVATE in to the higher timeline reality ~ NOW is the time.

BUILD YOUR BRIDGE to the highest, purest and most benevolent time-space-reality you possibly can.

Meditate. Play. Ask The DIVINE SOURCE to align YOU with THE HIGHEST and MOST BENEVOLENT trajectory.

Bless and honor EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

I AM SENDING YOU Waves of Galactic and Cosmic LOVE on YOUR Journey!

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