Today is the 4th Eclipse of 2020.
It is significant.

4th Eclipse. 2020 = 4 in 4.

The Divine HUman and Unity Consciousness is transforming our foundations, including the foundations of our sense of what we perceived to be SAFE and what we perceived our FREEDOM to be.

As we have been, our role as Lightworkers and Indigo Family Tribe is to continue to anchor in and call forth more and more TRUE DIVINE FREEDOM and the FREEDOM codes for ALL of HU~manity.

Now more than ever, call forth, respectfully COMMAND:

“TRUE and REAL FREEDOM and LIBERTY and JUSTICE with and FROM DIVINE SOURCE point of view, truth and perspective ~ FOR ALL of HUManity. Thank you. So. Be. It.”

As we continue to level UP into higher, lighter frequencies of light and also anchor into our NEW DIVINE TEMPLATE for the HIGHEST TRAJECTORIES and HIGHEST and BEST and MOST BENEVOLENT outcome for ALL, we must also hold space as the old, denser time-space-realities literally dismantle, crumble and literally fall-away-fall-apart.

Our new anchor points are more and more stable now, as we feel our foundational footing, our divine being-ness is experiencing more and more true and pure divine freedom.

At this point, it is also important to be anchoring in higher truths, including especially DIVINE TRUTH and the HIGHER COSMIC PLAN as it is unfolding.

What we co-create today will continue to take root and expand outward, into the ever expanding, ever evolving, co-created reality.

For more direct support and assistance, please join us live for the next LIVE, GROUP healing and support community call.

Register to join us for this GIFTED WEBINAR below:

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