Blessings Beloved Fellow Lightworkers and Spiritually Minded Animal Lovers!

It is a GLORIOUS Day here in Sedona! I AM sending you waves of Divine Love, Light and Energy Shifting Consciousness to assist you on your awakening journey!

There are MASSIVE UP-lifting energetic and magnetic shifts going on throughout our entire
further assisting us in breaking free from the GRID of ILLUSION in the 3rd Dimensional Reality.

These incredible, powerful magnetic shifts will be quickly restoring those of us on The Ascending Timeline to our next highest frequency – IF we have been doing the inner work on excavating our inner shadow and transforming ourselves into THE BEAUTY-FULL, BRILLIANT light we all truly are.

The powerful vortexes of Sedona, combined with the piezoelectric crystals inside of the magnificent red rocks are connecting in with the cosmic forces and Stargate energies coming in from the higher realms and multi-dimensional realms of existence  and simultaneously connecting in through all of the Sacred Sites on Gaia ~ Sophia (including The Crystal Realms in Arkansas!) and The 5D GRIDS of Earth to further support us.

These multi-dimensional, extra-dimensional, omni-dimensional energies are AMPLIFying our intentions, manifestations and energetics of our bodies and beings, INCLUDING our inner emotions, beliefs, belief systems, judgements, opinions and personal identities, as well as all aspects of our SHADOW SELVES so that we can clear, heal and resolve these issues and ultimately STEP FORWARD into the coming GOLDEN AGE which awaits us (Indeed! it is already available to us, assuming we are in vibrational harmony with it!.

As always,
I cannot begin to express the importance of addressing and resolving ALL that is revealing what impedes our truest heart desires and our inner divinity.

These new energies are designed to provide reality-shifting support for us – which will become more and more obvious this month and in the coming months too.

While the shadow aspects of the 2020 timeline may have TEMPORARILY, SEEMINGLY stifled us, WE OF THE LIGHT are RISING AGAIN!

If YOU or your animals are not experiencing this new state of being, I respectfully urge you to get on board with aligning with the ASCENSION ENERGETICS so YOU can truly receive and experiencing the gifts of the SACRED RE-UNION and returning home to YOUR DIVINITY and Your Multi-dimensional being!

Bliss, FREEDOM and even EUPHORIA are once again becoming more and more our NEW Normal – and if YOU choose, allow and accept it into your morpho-genetic field, you too will once again rise to the energetics of DIVINE OPTIMISM, DIVINE TRUTH, DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE PEACE, DIVINE BLISS! ~The time is NOW!

It truly is a GLORIOUS time for HUmanity!

For the support and assistance you truly need, want and desire to assist you on your Ascension Journey, please join us here: