On an almost daily basis, I receive many, many emails from kind, caring, loving Lightworkers, good Samaritan and spiritually minded animal lovers, literally writing in anguish over the pain and suffering going on for their families and loved ones, the children of the world, mother earth, the waters and the animals…they want to know what to do about it – to help…they often feel hopeless and helpless and powerless.

I remember feeling this way over 20 years ago before my dark night of the soul catapulted me into alignment with my true divine trajectory.

But here’s what I KNOW.

The MOST EFFECTIVE WAY to make positive change for ALL BEINGS on Earth and beyond is to do it in the non physical ~ non material realm..real, lasting, effective, positive change is MOST EFFECTIVE when we do it in the non physical and work in collaboration with DIVINE SOURCE ~ INFINITE Intelligence and The Quantum Field.

It’s fast. Effective, Benevolent.  and It is The WILL OF THE DIVINE working in collaboration with Universal Law…it is US in Selfless Service, working for the GREATER GOOD of ALL, aka, The collective…

Plus! It is true that we reap what we sew….the boomerang effects are truly phenomenal!

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