So you say you want to make the world a better place, right?

If you are here now, at this energetic frequency band width, you have shifted to a SERVICE to the Greater Good of ALL mind set…and that WILL also keep you and your loved ones alive, happy, well and divinely aligned and divinely protected too…plus give you a way to GIVE BACK on a GLOBAL SCALE to HU~manity, thereby opening YOUR DIVINE channel and pathway for greater GOOD to flow to you and through you to all….this is the time and place.

Doing service in the non physical realm is THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY to help humanity as a collective ~ on a global, galactic and multi-dimensional level, bar none.

It also truly empowers us to move past all of our limited thinking, believing and experiencing, into the higher, purer realms of conscious creation and Divine Empowerment and supports raising the vibration and frequency of the whole of HU~manity.

All are welcome and invited!  Please join us live, this Tuesday:

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