The current part of our Ascension process, during which we are all being called to radically shift our awareness to ourselves as DIVINE CREATOR BEINGS while simultaneously disconnecting from the old 3D paradigm by resolving and integrating all of our polarities is beyond challenging.

The thinning veils between dimensional realities with the overlapping parallel reality timeline experience is both mind bending and energetically challenging ~ all being intensified as humanity deals with and navigates the external 3rd Dimensional Dramas.

Ultimately, all designed to assist with heart opening and consciousness expansion.

We are currently in yet another gateway passage which likely has you feeling and experiencing an intensity of heightened and mixed emotions, doubts, fears and concerns, particularly for those making choices which are not necessarily aligned with your own.  It is also likely that you are aware of many difference choice points for yourself regarding your timeline and future trajectory.

Know this, all must unfold as it is meant to unfold. It is all part of The Ascension process.

We are all shifting and up-leveling our paths, thoughts, and trajectories to align with our new, next level selves.  We are making new conscious choices, moment to moment, as we realize the magnitude of ourselves as THE CREATORS of OUR PERSONAL and COLLECTIVE realities.

The key is to be able to clearly see what is REALLY and TRULY happening, with and from SOURCE IDENTIFICATION and maintain DIVINE NEUTRALITY while still recognizing the quantum clues and divine guidance you are receiving and utilizing that to navigate your way always towards your most benevolent best….its a lot to manage, to say the least.

The next two live events I will be offering will hugely assist you with this gateway passage as well as provide the activations and transmissions which will up~level your abilities we navigate our way individually and collectively, and to do so with more ease, grace, peace and joy.

Please join us ~ all events recorded for delayed and repeat listening:

11-11 Master Portal Dormant DNA, Sacred Key Codes, Star Code Markings

& Divine Template Activations and Transmissions

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