As the energies of September, with all of its 3rd Dimensional Challenges are now wrapping up, the new energies of the final quarter of 2021 begin at the onset of October.
As the multi-dimensional light expands on Gaia Sophia, the acceleration of density which has been steadily building momentum will continue to clear, and ultimately stabilize, but not right away.
The amplification is just beginning to build, as the masses begin to awaken from their deep slumber. We as conscious creators and witnesses must trust and let go of what unfolds as part of the ever unfolding Divine Plan ~ we must know that that which is unraveling must be unraveled so that the new can be birthed.
Our hearts are expanding and opening to being infiltrated with expanded frequencies of love, joy, understanding, insight, acceptance and divine neutrality.
During our recent channeling we were given so much incredible and phenomenal insights regarding that which is continuing to unfold, as well as so much pure, divine light waves and SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS which is SO INCREDIBLY helpful in navigating this challenging times….
These new energies are what allow us to level UP to the multi-dimensional begins we are becoming. They amplify our own core frequencies and expand and elevate our morpho-genetic fields so that we can effortlessly navigate with ease, grace and benevolence and ultimately, enjoy our life experiences with so much more Divine Grace.
I am filled with GRATITUDE for the ever unfolding grace of my current existence.
I want nothing more than for you too, to experience such magnificence.
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