I’ve been tuning into how to best support you as we step into the New Year ahead. 2022 will be an absolutely pivotal year for humanity – a MASSIVE UP~leveling, as more and more beings awaken into the light.

This is the year HU~manity chooses to either expand into the light by taking FULL and COMPLETE responsibility for our own choices, decisions, experiences.

Needless to say, for many who have not processed their own shadow aspects, this part of the journey will also be quite challenging.

Far too often, I see Lightworkers who perceive themselves to be advanced and yet fail to align with to the most basic, foundational truth of awakening: to take full and complete responsibility for their own experience.

Here is the most basic fact of 5th Dimensional Living:

You are responsible for what you create in your reality.  You are responsible for your own experience and your interpretation of your experience.

Your experience includes, but is not limited to, your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs, your ideas, your concepts, your perspectives, your awarenesses as well as your judgments and/or interpretations.

And NONE OF IT, is absolute fact.

It is ALL interpretation and perspective.

And all of those interpretations and perspectives are literally what create the INFINITE potentials for experience.

Perspective Creates Experience.
Awareness Transforms It.

Too often, awakening lightworkers, sensitives and empaths try to either block and /or reassign their experiences to other people, places or things.

This kind of spiritual bi-passing will significantly slow the Ascension journey for those who continue to do so and energetically align them with the path of the shadow.

Spiritual bi-passing does not get green lights into the higher realms.

For those who are truly willing and choosing to continue in the path of the light, those who are willing to know truth and experience the higher realms of pure divine alignment, we must be willing to acknowledge and take full responsibility for our own shadow aspects of separation and duality so we can get deeper into alignment with our own divine source.

By doing so, we dissolve and transmute all illusions of separation and polarity as we unify more and more with the essence of The DIVINITY which is us.

As we do so, the shadow aspects of the physical world begin to also dissolve and transmute. The old dark agenda has ZERO power over the light.

This is the GLORIOUS Global Transformation taking place at this time.

The world needs as many of us as possible stepping into our most benevolent best trajectories, potentials and divine alignments.

I will help you so you can make 2022 your best year yet.

To support you on your journey and to align your life with the light that is you, I am pleased to announce the following upcoming events:

Replay of 2022 Global Predictions Energy Forecast Webinar:


Upcoming LIVE Channeling Webinar with The UNseens from The Higher Realms BEYOND 5th Dimensional Consciousness:


Upcoming 5 Week Ascension Support Group:


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