Dear Ascending Family Of Light,
Woo Hoo! We have just shifted through our first eclipse of the 2022 year. There is a collective timeline trajectory UP~leveling happening!
This particular eclipse in Taurus, signified by what is known as a Black New Moon is an initiation into brand new, bold beginnings. We are all taking leaps and bounds forward as our individual and collective capacity for love and compassion is expanding.
At the same time, those of us who still refuse to change and cling to old, worn out beliefs and behaviors of the old 3rd. Dimensional Paradigm will have more challenges as this eclipse is inviting and inspiring change in a whole new way.
As with all eclipses, anything that has been hiding in the shadow of our subconscious will be brought to the surface and out into the light – including our shadow aspects that have interfered with our capacity to see clearly.
All beings are being lovingly coerced to recognize the mirror reflection of self that we have been projecting onto others, as well as how important it is to take 100% responsibility for our own experience, including our lives, our own thoughts, our own beliefs, our own emotions, our own perspectives, our own perceptions, our own judgements, our own interpretations, our own energy.
If we see it or perceive it in another or in the external world, IT IS IN US and it will be mirrored back to us. This eclipse season will amplify that in a huge and magnificent way for all to see. The choice to deny it is a choice to continue. on in the old paradigm, which will again become more and more unbearable. The choice to realize it is part of Ascension, and evolution of HU~manity on earth.
In service and contribution to our community, please join us for the next LIVE DNA Activations Webinar to support and assist and contribute to YOU and YOUR Ascension Journey.
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