Awaken Your Multi~Dimensional Being, Your Light Body and The Infinite Within…
Saturday, August 26th
1pm ET / 12noon CT / 11am MT / 10am PT / 7am HT
3 Hour Live On Line Event
Participants will be able to ask questions and receive support.
(also recorded for delayed and repeat listening)

What do YOU really want? From the depth of the core of your being?

  • A Better Life?
  • More Freedom?
  • More Fulfillment?
  • Better Health?
  • More Clarity About Your Life Path and Your Life’s Journey?
  • Better Intuition?
  • A clearer connection with your own divine team in the non physical realm?
  • More alignment with Your Own Inner Source?
  • To UP~Level to a better parallel reality?
  • To be filled with Love and Light?

Well, I am calling you OUT.

(A really great coach and mentor does that 🙂

You couldn’t possibly want those things if you haven’t registered for the call below.

its the fastest, easiest  and most affordable way to get and have EVERYTHING you want and more…

Otherwise, you are just making a lot of excuses unless you take action.

No judgement here – just stating OBJECTIVE TRUTH.

Now, I realize I am being bold here..and most of you will resist…with whatever egoic constructs you have that will stand in your way.

That said, please don’t send me an email saying you can’t afford it – because I can’t make this any more affordable and it will NEVER be offered again at this LOW rate.

Plus, when you spread poverty mindset, you might as well be spreading more poverty and suffering, plus, those kinds of emails just tell me to raise my rates….

For lots of years, I have taken it as guidance that if someone complains, I am charging too little.

Now I see and understand too, that if someone tells me they can’t afford something that is already priced as low as it can be possibly priced without ME suffering because of the low rate, it also is guidance telling me i am charging too little and it is time to RAISE my rates.

So I can tell you – I will never again, offer this at this low of a rate. The value of this play shop is infinite and beyond measure.

SO, IF you are serious about having the things YOU WANT and experiencing the things YOU WANT to experience, then you simply MUST STOP making excuses, and register and join us for this live event below.


No more excuses.

I do love you, sincerely.

Join us for this highly progressive, highly intuitive,

experiential on line transformational healing seminar ~ playshop:

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