…fires and hurricanes and tornadoes..oh my!

A lot of people – especially people involved in conspiracy and truther circles – have been questioning …..they are asking (and rightly so):

“What exactly… or who exactly…(if anyone) Is behind the seemingly nefarious goings on with the extreme weather patterns, particularly the fires in Maui and Canada… as well as the recent hurricanes, and even tornadoes which have shown up with increasing intensity in various locations.”

Indeed, these occurrences seem particularly perplexing for many reasons.

Over the years, I have learned to ask for clarity and guidance from very pure states of consciousness in the higher rums… the so called ‘non-physical” realms.… Over the years of doing channeling, and connecting with my own collectives at higher, purer frequencies of consciousness I have been able to bring through extremely accurate information, insight and energy…

Further, on the rare occasions when there were circumstances where I might have still been in some degree of uncertainty, I have also been so blessed to have SO MANY high consciousness friends and colleagues who I could check in with and confer with.

I have come to realize that the insights, information, intel and guidance I have received from the higher realms regarding BIG, GLOBAL events that affect the collective which are going on in the NOW moments are RARELY EVER wrong…

,,,in fact, I have found the insights, guidance and channeled information and intel I get to be incredibly accurate.

So, just this week, I inquired again with my divine team – my collective – just recently regarding the extreme weather patterns we have been witnessing …

I wanted clear and accurate information insight, understanding, and Intel…

Purchase the channeled video here ~ be sure to include your name and email address:


What I thought would be a simple 15 minute sitting with direct, channeled insight information and guidance turned out to be a bit over a full hour of recorded, information and insight from my collective.

What I thought would be a simple 15 minute sitting with direct, channeled insight information and guidance turned out to be almost a full hour of recorded, information and insight from my collective.

The information that came through was incredible beyond anything I could’ve expected or anticipated, and truly profound…


I thought to share it with all of you… It’s just too good to miss out on…

If you’d like to purchase it, simply utilize this link below and we’ll go ahead and send you the video recording after we receive the fair energy exchange.

It is so powerful and truly transformational in terms of information, energy, and consciousness… it will shift and up~level you and also provide you with a WHOLE NEW level of consciousness as well as inspire how you live your life and THE WAY you live your daily life…

It was – is – INCREDIBLE! I’m sure you will hugely benefit from it.

Purchase the channeled video here ~ be sure to include your name and email address::


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