The energies on earth are beyond INTENSE! Have you been feeling it?
There is a LOT of MASSIVE discordance and disharmony moving through the field of consciousness at various frequencies.
Some of it is is physical, earthly discordance. Lots of it is real psychic warfare affecting people both consciously and unconsciously. Some of it is literal attacks on HIGH VIBE healers and intuitives ~ there are many unconscious minions carrying it out.  Some some of it is the mental and emotional dramas that unconscious beings simply don’t know what to do with!

Ultimately, ALL of it is energetic imbalance finding its alignment.


You can choose NOW: will you align with UP~leveling and EXPANSION? ..or will you align with contraction and limitation?

Where and with whom do YOU want to align?

Don’t allow yourself to be sucked into the tidal wave of drama unfolding ~ it won’t serve your highest and most benevolent best!
Instead, recognize that this is part of the division of energies (via frequency fences) and at the SAME TIME, the re-UNION and restoration of consciousness…and it’s all part of the game of duality unfolding!
Most of us truly GIFTED healers and intuitives are reaching our own breaking point of saying: NO MORE BULL SHIT.  We are finally standing UP for our RIGHT to be honored and respected by claiming it and shining our LIGHT even greater and brighter than EVER BEFORE.
And while it may be a bit bumpy, still ~ Yay for US!
Do not be dismayed by the friction in your reality!

It is simply a call to go more deeply inward into the Sacred, DIVINE Neutral of Inner Peace and Inner Harmony where you connect with your TRUE SOURCE of Inner Love, Peace and Harmony through your own Sacred Heart Center and the pure crystalline, diamond light frequencies.

Hand to heart and breath of  SOURCE, call it into your body and being through the stillness of your own sacred heart center.

If you want to learn how to do this in your own life, join us for our next live energy healing call ~ details below.
Join us for our next LIVE Energy Healing webinar to support and assist you during these intense cycles of SHIFTING here:
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