We are now in our final doorway, a Sacred passage through the final 2017 portal gateway…
As we hurtle towards yet another end of a linear calendar year, we are also approaching yet another new beginning which stores within it a vastness of unknown creative potential and dramatic transformational change…
This year marks the END of timeline REUNIFICATION…this means that the overlapping of realities, the unification of all dimensions of reality will no longer continue to ‘apparently’ co-exist…
They will in fact, more dramatically bi-furcate, i.e.,separate.
Those of us who understand timeline splits know this time has been coming.
It is our frequency of love, peace and unity consciousness which divides us from those who are not in harmony with love based – heart based frequencies.
While indeed it is true that vast amounts of negativity and malevolence have dropped off of our collective timelines, thereby making it vibrationally IMPOSSIBLE for us to experience certain forms of ‘potential negativity’, there is indeed still more work to be done for those of us in our ‘light houses’.
Our next phase of the Starseed – LIghtworker agenda lies in completing the 2nd Wave of Awakening (i.e., 2nd Wavers) and preparing 3rd Wavers for their shifts ahead…it will be the most massive part of the Ascension process.
This final window of 2017 provides us with the much needed R&R – as we prepare for this next stage Needless to say, our emotions and nervous systems have been pushed to their limits. Our physical bodies are adapting as fast as we can as we continuously invite in more and more light and as we activate more and more of our dormant potential….perhaps most challenging, our analytical minds are no longer capable of figuring our way out or through this MASSIVE EVOLUTIONARY SHIFT.
Indeed, by this point, and throughout this particular sacred passage, it is time to truly linger in the holiday season energies of heightened gratitude and blessings and to give ourselves enough time to rest and integrate.
This is also where we must strengthen our reverence for ALL of life…no thing is ‘not’ sacred, no thing is not divine.
It is our Divine purpose and mission to utilize this sacred passage to create our next brand new experience. In doing so, we step more fully into our DIVINE Creator Being-ness.
Our vibration of LoveLight dissolves all distortion and lays the foundation for our future reality.
We become that which we are creating in our next phase of existence.
Let this holiday time of peace, love, gratitude, harmony provide the foundational energies on which you build your future, and upon which the final stage of the 2nd wavers and early stage of 3rd wavers can also be supported upon.
The 12 – 12 Stargate Portal is notoriously significant for its abilities in up-leveling and shifting your timeline and soul’s trajectory for the better.
Join us for the FINAL Portal Gateway Speed Activations Call on 12-12: