Planet Earth and all of Humanity is undergoing an extremely intense time of transformation, transition, transmutation known as Ascension.

This arduous, never before experienced, awakening process is taking us all into a brand new reality which includes a new physical space in the Galaxy and with respect to The Universe.

It is taking us as a global collective deep into the depths of our own psyche and way beyond the limits of our own human intelligence.

Both individually and collectively, we are exploring who we are as a human race, a planetary body and as individual beings.

Explore Realms Beyond Our Current Physical Reality

We are exploring and evaluating our thoughts, our beliefs, our points of view, our perspectives, our ideologies, our patterns of behavior, our emotions, and perhaps, above all, our internal programming.

We are considering what exactly is true and what is not truth and what is fact versus fiction. We learning who and what to trust. We are learning discernment in a whole new way.

We are re-evaluating everything and as we do so, we are re-creating entire new realities.
We exploring the realms beyond the beyond….

One of the key basic universal principles we can know is certain is that we live in a holographic universe of infinite realities, infinite potentials, infinite possibilities and infinite realities…these all exist in infinite timelines and on various planes of existence.

Within any timeline, there also exists infinite experiences which are based on story lines that we could also call sub-holograms, and these sub-holograms are part of the entirety of all that exists. We are all within all that exists.

This is all validated as scientifically real, valid and true in quantum physics by all of our most advanced and progressed physicists.

In the 5th Dimensional Reality,
We Create Entire New Realities of ENTIRELY Our Choosing

All of these overlapping realities and timelines are creating different choices and experiences for people and animals to choose from. We can choose what we want to experience by putting our attention on whatever we put our attention on.

In addition, we choose our experience based on whatever we believe and perceive, on all levels of our existence, both consciousness and unconscious.

Herein lies the problem, the challenge and the opportunity.

Break Through the Limitations, Blocks and Barriers
of Earth’s Previous Undesirable Timelines and Realities.

There are Indeed Other Realities
Which are So Much More Benevolent;
We Can Access and Align With Them.

Access Infinite Universal Timelines of Infinite Possibilities
Including the Most Desirable and Enjoyable Situations,
Circumstances and Outcomes for All…

Let’s Take Control Over
Our Own Lives and Our Own Destinies.

It is time for us all to Unplug From The 3rd Dimension, Exit The Matrix and
Fully Anchor into the 5th Dimensional Reality Timeline.

The 5th Dimension of Reality Can Be Described as
The True and Real Experience of Heaven on Earth.

Let’s Unite in a Time Space Reality Where All
Beings are Happy, Healthy and TRULY, Madly, Deeply Fulfilled.

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