This weekend (and through the balance of this month) will demonstrate an amplification of the current major timeline shift.

It is a time to rejoice for we, the Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Starseeds, Wanderers and Spiritually Minded Beings awake and aware to our Ascension have finally reached a critical mass, ready to align with our unity consciousness and a new reality based on the highest and greatest happiness, joy, health and well being for the collective, for all our brothers and sisters on Mother Earth ~ Gaia.

Take the time to joyfully play, dance, sing, meditate, get out into nature, focus on the blessings of your life and visualize the highest and best future for humanity. Breathe deeply, love fully.

See , sense, feel, experience the earth as healed, healthy and well
See, sense, feel, experience ALL animals being treated with kindness, care, compassion, integrity, honor and dignity.
See, sense, feel and experience the richness, fullness and abundance of ALL of Life.

Release any and all ties, entanglements, attachments to density, pain, fear, worry, doubt, anxiety and the lower dimensional timeliness associated with 3D and separation – indeed, ALL are an aspect of The One. Know it, sense it, feel it, experience it, allow it. Simply drop and/or unplug from ALL lower experiences and trajectories.

If and when doubts or fears or worries come in, command them gone.
Refuse to believe or buy into any of the lower vibrational experiences associated with doom and gloom scenarios.
This is a moment (all month) of choice. Choose wisely.

COMMAND The Divine ~ The TRUE God of Humanity ~ to completely remove and eradicate ALL density and dross and ALL malevolence, shadow governments, dark forces, negative and/or harmful agendas of EVERY kind in the highest and best ways possible, with the maximum amount of benevolence;
COMMAND that benevolence shall be all that remains.

Here’s a great video you can use for assistance and energetic support:

As you do so, give thanks for the blessings you have received and for those yet to come.
Know that the Divine IS and WILL RESPOND to YOUR request to align YOU with the highest and most benevolent timelines available.

Bless every aspect of your life, your body and your experience, no matter how great or painful, recognizing that through the blessing, all is healed and resolved and in doing so, you are liberated from the density of 3D.

Breathe deeply, amplify your love, expand it out in every direction and welcome forth the emergence of the new reality as you birth it through yourself. YOU are DIVINE SOURCE incarnate. Let YOU be birthed.

For energetic assistance to upgrade and prepare your lightbody, join us for the next live Speed Activations Call on March 30th.

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