Did you notice the extreme intensity of the past few days as the
Cosmic Solar Gateway, now underway, anchored in to initiate the next level of awakening and unfoldment for Humanity’s Consciousness Evolution?

If you haven’t noticed yet, hang on to your hats! There is much intensity ahead…all culminating (for a brief respite) after the end of the month followingthe second Jupiter Pluto square; the first happened in late November 2016.

Translation: Extreme Intensity challenging us to expand our consciousness, release the old systems and programs which are no longer serving us and do so in a balanced and stable way.

The frequencies and energies and subsequent revelations will be intense and will escalate dramatically through the end of the lunar cycle, ultimately calling us forward into more unity consciousness.

As always, it is well advised to use this gateway passage wisely. Future timelines, timeline splits, realities and resulting experiences are based on your vibration, ie, your level of consciousness and your energetic frequency.

To provide some additional energetic support and assistance to my tribe and our Sacred Community, I am opening up some spaces in my next ‘usually closed group’ sacred energy healing call, for those who are ready, willing and able to receive a deeper level of energetic support so you can more fully receive and integrate the FULL benefits of this cosmic solar gateway.

Get The Support You Need Here:

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