2019 is the Year of the GOLDEN Yin Earth Pig.
The NEW MOON in Aquarius on February 5, marks the beginning of Chinese New Year Yin Earth Pig.
Interestingly, the GOLDEN Pig only comes around once every 60 years.
As linear time is completely different in the 5th Dimensional Reality, and NOTHING from our past has real truth any longer, the Chinese calendar has lost the bulk of its effectiveness.
That said, because humanity still believes in it, it does still offer some significant validity.
Pigs are a symbol of wealth, good luck and enjoyment of Earthly riches. Moreover, pigs are highly intuitive, intelligent and conscious.
In this way, pig will bring the energy of abundance, prosperity, happiness, enjoyment, and plentiful relationships.
Pig also represents observing the unseen realm and knowing what may seem unknowable with the essence of a sacred divinity…like an awakened being who knows what may seem unknown to many.
Pig understands the illusions of the unconscious.
Likewise, this year of the golden yin earth pig will be a year where we will uncover and discover new things within ourselves, our world, our reality. Humanity will begin to look deeper and expand beyond our limited perspectives and our illusions of unconsciousness.
Pig will also help us to have strength even when we previously believed we had none, or when feel we are powerless.
Pig will help us examine different perspectives and develop our truth while also assisting us to focus on our true path as we walk our own journey.
The year of the pig it will reveal things hidden within all of us, helping us to more fully align with our highest and best trajectory and life path and also helping us to see the way and walk with clarity and certainty, while still enjoying the journey.
For more insights and information about what 2019 holds in store for YOU and ALL of HUmanity, get the latest replay from the Ascension, Manifestation & Healing Circle 2019 Predictions Call here:
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join us at the upcoming Lightworker Bootcamp in Palm Beach: