We are in the midst of a massive energy influx…high influx of energies coming in from the higher realms and also from our star families who share our galaxy as well as from dimensional realities beyond our galaxy.

This progression will increase in frequency, steadily uplevling the vibration of all of Mother Earth ~ Gaia and all of her inhabitants throughout the Month of March.

The progression of this wave like energy patterns are conscious and purposeful; they represent the will of The Divine as it relates to the overall SHIFT of Consciousness and The Ascension Experience for ALL Beings to awaken.

Needless to say, we will notice significant jumps in solar activity from Solaris, the light of The SUN OF GOD, leading up to the March Equinox on March 20th ~ 21st. This Equinox will be intense! While Equinox energies are designed to be balancing and harmonizing, this particular March Equinox is another PURE TRIPLE PORTAL GATEWAY.

The energies will be further amplified and intensified as a result of the FULL MOON on the same day…all of these factors will make the entire month of March, especially and particularly the Equinox, an extremely powerful and potent time for accelerating consciousness, healing, clearing and resolving whatever is coming up for healing, clearing and resolving, aligning with and anchoring into The 5th Dimensional Reality (and beyond!!!).

Also needless to say, all of this energy affects our physical bodies, mental and emotional states of being and of course, our entire life experience. This is all to support The Ascension Experience. We release the old, outmoded 3rd Dimensional Reality experiences and we uplevel into the new 5th Dimensional Reality and experiences.

Perhaps even more exciting is the unobstructed opportunities to rewrite our entire reality and to time jump into other symbiotic timelines of more desirable experiences.

Never before has HUmanity been so FREE and SO FULLY LIBERATED, provided that our consciousness allows us to be so…THIS IS OUR TIME!

For energy upgrades and support, purchase March’s Triple Portal Speed Activations Call (replay) below:

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