Coming Up With The Next 11 – 11 Portal…….
What will YOU be doing?
What will YOU be creating?
What timelines will YOU be aligning with?
What would you most enjoy?
How would you like to experience your reality?
What is most exciting to YOU at this time and for the coming year of 2020?
11 ~ 11 is a double Master Number which ushers in new levels of Mastery…this window, aka, portal, will assist us in our personal transformation as those of us in the front lines will step into new, higher levels of our own mastery while also assisting others who are new to the awakening journey to raise their frequency, while simultaneously preparing the 3rd Wave for their MASSIVE WAKE UP call.
As a Master Number, 11 is known as a wake-up code or code of consciousness, as well as the ascension code or activation code as this frequency activates codes in the DNA and also neural pathways in the brain, which ultimately are intended to assist during the Ascension Process.
This next 11-11 Portal is not for the faint of heart.
This is about really stepping into your Creator-Ship in a REAL and CONSCIOUS WAY.
This week my team in the non physical realm has really asked me to step up my role as a commander, which is to say that part of me that COMMANDS the field of consciousness to conform to my will.
I have been doing this for many, many years as a conduit to be of service to HUmanity, however, never in a way that was entirely, shall I say, self serving….but what my team revealed to me is that now that I am so completely in ONENESS in 5D, that all I AM is ALWAYS IN SERVICE to the collective, and that my command is already aligned with the highest orders…Further, my Divine Team also revealed to me that during this next phase of our evolution and of Ascension, more and more humans, aka, ‘first embodiers’ and early first wavers in the front of the awakening journey will be claiming more of our true power to be real and true stewards of our collective Earthly reality.
The old controllers, aka, The Ancient Aliens, The Negative Alien Agenda, and even much of the old patriarchal system holders have been removed from power…the 2020 timeline is a timeline where the stewardship of HUmanity is fully returned to the early embodiers of The First Wave of Ascension ~ we are the new stewards for the whole of HUmanity.
Enough of us have awakened and aligned with the highest virtues of service to the greater good of all with harm to none. As such, we have reclaimed dominion over our earthly experience for the collective.
In addition, because more and more humans are consciously choosing Ascension, Mother Earth ~ Gaia as well as the higher realms have released even more magnificent Ascension codes and Dormant DNA Codes for us to access and activate. In addition, the Crystalline Grid system is also amplifying the codes and blueprints from the inner earth and the 5D paradigm.
Moreover, as is typically the case with significant portals, there are now influxes of high frequency plasma like waves of energy from the higher dimensional realms. Inter galactic energy influxes are also bringing in new cosmic, universal, inter-galactic and inter-dimensional energies also ‘pouring in’ from these other realms….these frequencies have never before over-lapped into our Earthy reality with such magnificence, nor with such intensity.
All of this influx of new energies intensity and shift the core magnetics of our experience and the Gate Openings ahead usher them in for all of humanity to energetically ‘grab on’, intentionally infuse them in, through and around us, integrate them and anchor them into our physical world while they simultaneously anchor into US and the whole of our existence.
All of this amplification and intensification is the NEW PARADIGM, here. We are in it. Now.
This will continue to amplify. through the 12-21-12 Portal (aka, December 21st) and the Winter Solstice.
So I ask you again, what are YOU intending for YOUR 11 ~ 11 Portal and Beyond?
Please join us for the next LIVE Speed Activations Call with DNA Upgrades, Sacred Key Code Activations, Star Code Marking Activations. Restore YOUR Original Divine Blueprint.
Please note: This call is way UNDER PRICED at $38. I committed to my own self (as my HIGHER GUIDANCE guided me) a L-O-N-G time ago that anytime the low rate was taken for granted or someone asked for this for free, or for a refund, or that the administration involved in delivering this content got to be to out of alignment with the quality of this offering, the fair energy exchange rate would increase. That time has come. This fair energy exchange rate WILL INCREASE without further notice. Get in now, before it does….register here: