During this time of Global Unification, just as we have reached critical mass awakening for the tipping point so the remainder of HU~manity could begin to consciously choose, with willing hearts to up~level into higher states of peace, love and joy.

While it may not appear to be so, The Crystalline grid of Gaia and The New Earth are fully in tact.

What’s left now is for us to continue our shared Divine Mission to:

1. Clear up and resolve the residue which has come to the surface, which is certainly in the base chakra survival issues, and the heart chakra of love, loveability, worthiness, worth, value, deservability, as well as trust, discernment, truth and integrity (in addition to other things).

2. Further anchor in the codes of TRUE FREEDOM, Liberation and Sovereignty for ALL

3. Further activate the new DIVINE HUMAN template for PERFECT and IDEAL Health and Well Being and TOTAL IMMUNITY (stored in the dormant DNA).

4. Awaken more of the new Divine Light influxes coming from the higher realms and the New Earth Gaia ~  including the new Galactic HUman, aka, Homo-Divinicus.

5. Continue to bridge the gap, ie, to literally be the bridge, for all willing hearts……so that more and more willing, brand new awakening beings can begin to migrate to the new paradigm and The Christed Timeline for The Golden Age, which is available to ALL, NOW.

I will be offering this and more to our community
via our annual triple portal Speed Activations Call on 4-4-4.

Join us here:


I will also be offering a GIFTED support ~ healing ~ guidance webinar for everyone globally where we all can unite in SOLIDARITY to SHARE OUR LIGHT and CONTRIBUTE to the WHOLE of HU~manity for the highest and most benevolent best of ALL. Get the details via our community newsletter and join us LIVE.

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