Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! I just wanted to take a moment to share with you my true gratitude to those of you who have been so kind and generous with me over the years – those of you who have shared your love, gratitude, transformational experiences, strength, hope and kindness.
Thank you also for all of YOUR service and contribution to the whole of HUmanity and ALL that you do to serve, support and assist in the awakening of consciousness. During this holiday season, here is my prayer for you and your beloved animal companions too:
May you be happy
May you be full of love
May you be blessed with health and vitality
May you live a life of peace and harmony
May you experience joy and fulfillment
May you be free from all suffering
May you live with ease, grace and benevolence
May your life be experienced to the fullest extent and in the highest and best ways
May you recognize your BRILLIANCE and MAGNIFICENCE!
May you express your gratitude and kindness in all that you do and say
May you be fully conscious during the journey
Please enjoy this FREE GIFTED Self Appreciation Meditation & Exercise as MY GIFT to YOU for the holidays: https://instantteleseminar.com/Events/103710126
Thank you for being part of this community.
Thank you for being the LIGHTworker YOU are.
Thank you for being part of my community and my tribe of love, peace, joy and Unity Consciousness.
I wish you all the very highest and best for your holiday season.