Ascension Healing and Activation Series for People and Animals
Ascension Healing & Activation Series for People & Animals
101+ Sacred Healing Downloads

Via Home Study Webinar
This webinar is a series of 7 45-60 minute calls of live energy healing that you listen to at your leisure ~ from wherever you are, whenever you want, as often as you want.
These 7 Days Healing & Activation Series will each focus on different and unique areas of the human experience. Each series is designed to heal, resolve and transform the issues in the 3D Reality and upshift and realign your Divine Energetic matrix into its original Divine Blueprint.
Through this 7 Day Healing & Activation Series, the LIVE Sacred Energy Activations and Transformational Healing Energy will assist you to raise your consciousness, expand your awareness and integrate more light into your physical form, allowing you to more effectively navigate The Ascension and Awakening Process and most importantly, fully activate your dormant potential, integrate with your High Self~God Self, as well as ascend into the New Earth~5D Reality.
The full course also includes some extra bonus teaching content regarding Ascension, Enlightenment and Transformation.
And of course, each call will also include our beloved animal companions and the Animal Kingdom on Planet Earth (as applicable) so they will also receive the gifts associated with the Healing & Activation Series.
As always, every call will be recorded and while you do not have to be present during the live call to receive the full benefits, it is ideal to participate as fully as possible so you can receive the maximum benefits you are able to receive. Ongoing participation will also accelerate the benefits and results you experience.
Align Yourself and Your Animals with the Energies and The Frequencies of
During this particular series, the focus will be on
Receive this series of clearings, healings, downloads, activations, attunements and alignments specifically designed to activate and awaken the cellular codes within you for self and other LOVE, JoY ‘n Bliss… and to align yourself with LOVE, JoY ‘n Bliss & attune to these energies & frequencies so you FULLY embody them.
Become the Embodiment of Deep Fulfillment, Rich Satisfaction
Unabashed Joy, Pure Love and Divine Source Consciousness
Some of the live energy healing via the theta brainwave frequencies and Sacred Activations you will be receiving will be direct downloads, uploads, attunements and alignments with Original Divine Source Consciousness on the following topic areas to heal, change & transform YOUR ENTIRE LIFE Experience for the better:
- Abundance
- Acceptance (of self, others, GOD, The Universe)
- Achievement
- Allowance
- Appreciated
- Authentic, Authenticity
- Balance
- Beauty
- Being in the Moment
- Believing in Self
- Benevolence
- Bliss
- Brilliant & Brilliance
- Calm
- Capable
- Cherished (being & feeling by self and others)
- Compassion
- Completion
- Comprehension
- Confidence
- Consciousness ~ Divine Source Consciousness
- Courage
- Clarity
- Dedication
- Deserving
- Devotion (to self, to The Divine)
- Dreams (living, experiencing, fullfiling)
- Emotionally Present
- Empowerment
- Elegance
- Eloquence
- Energetic
- Entitled & Entitlement (Divine Entitlement)
- Excitement, Excited
- Faith, Faithful
- Focus
- Forgiveness
- Free, Freedom
- Fulfillment
- Fun & Play & Silly-ness
- Genuine
- Gentle
- Genius
- Goals ( as well as aligning with and reaching goals)
- Gratitude
- Grounded
- Happiness & Joy
- Health & Well Being (on all levels: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Energetic, Auric, Spiritual)
- Highest Potential
- Honesty
- Healthy Humility
- Heard (being and feeling)
- Highest Potential
- Honor & Respect
- Insight
- Intelligence
- Inspiration and Being and Feeling inspired)
- Integrity
- Impervious (including being Impervious to and free from ALL Kinda’ Stuff that you no longer need or want!)
- Important & Importance (including being and feeling Important)
- Joy, JoyFULL (being and feeling and experiencing JoY in all areas of life)
- Life Purpose & Divine Mission (including knowing YOURS!!!)
- Love & Loveability ~ Being, Feeling and Embodying Love, including all kinds of Love (motherly, fatherly, divine, romantic, earthly, etc.)
- Loyalty
- Magnificence
- Manifestation
- Money
- Motivation
- One-ness
- Oppulence
- Passion
- Peace & Harmony
- Possibilities
- Potential
- Prosperity
- Radiance
- Safety & Security
- Satisfaction
- Significant, Significance
- Sincerity
- Sovereignty (THIS IS A BIGGIE!! YOU GOTTA’ HAVE IT to exist in 5D!!)
- Spiritual (and being spiritually aligned)
- Splendor
- Strong
- Success (in all areas of life)
- Support (including being and feeling supported)
- Truth
- Trust
- Unconditionality
- Understanding (including being and feeling understood)
- Unity & Unity Consciousness
- Uplift, Uplifted (including being and feeling uplifted)
- Value (all aspects of value, including being and feeling valued and valuable)
- Wanted (being and feeling wanted)
- Wealth
- Whole
- Wisdom
- Worth and worthiness (including knowing and experiencing yourself with worth and as worthy)
All You Have To Do Is Say ‘YES!’ and Rest, Relax, Breathe, Allow and Receive
Aligning with Divine Source Consciousness with respect to these energies is easy once you have a facilitator who provides direct access to them via a Divine Download ~ all you have to do is say YES! and then rest, relax, breathe, allow and receive.
It’s that simple!
In addition to the energetic downloads, activations, attunements and alignments you will receive, you will also be receiving massive amounts of energetic clearing, thereby healing and resolving all of the energetic emotional, physical and mental baggage which has been holding you back and keeping you stuck in the density of pain, suffering, sickness, duality and the unpleasant aspects of The 3D (3rd Dimensional) Matrix of the physical world.
Over the years, many people have asked me how I got to be so clairvoyant and gifted….Well this is your chance to clear out the density of your unconscious and also deeply and fully align with Divine Source Energy and Divine Source Consciousness of LOVE, Light, Wisdom, Peace, Harmony, JoY and Bliss…
All from the comfort of your own home….while YOU rest, relax, breathe allow and RECEIVE.
After only 7 short weeks of only about 45 – 60 minutes per week,
Mind, body, heart, soul and spirit…
EVERY HUMAN Must Have These Downloads, Uploads and Activations to ALIGN with the Frequencies and Vibrations of the NEW 5D Reality…
EMBODY & TRANSFORM and ALIGN with SOURCE Consciousness and the new 5D Vibrations
Experience the Profound and Life Changing Results that
Others are Already Receiving and Benefiting from!
You will LOVE this energy and your animals will too!

When you purchase this healing webinar, you will also receive these extra bonuses to Accelerate Your Transformation:
Self Love Call for People & Animals
We as a human species have not really been taught how to truly love ourselves…many of us don’t even know how..or what that really means…This s an entirely new concept for many…This call will delve into the relatively unknown practice of Self Love ~ a requirement for Ascension and The Awakening and Enlightenment process during the Shift. You will learn about the practices, tips and tools of Self Love for Ascension.
This call is valued at an additional $100.
Self Love Healing Call with LIVE Energy Healing for People & Animals
This 90 minute mp3 is a follow up LIVE energy healing call on the topic area of Self Love, Forgiveness, Acceptance and Ascension for People and Animals. During this call, you will receive energy healing for yourself and your animals, plus participate as a Lightworker in a global healing for all people and animals of Mother Earth.
This call is valued at an additional $100.
Follow Up Intro to Self Love and Healing for People and Animals LIVE Q&A
This 90 minute content rich call is a follow up live Q&A Support, Guidance and Assistance call on the topic areas of Self Love, Acceptance, Forgiveness and Healing for People and Animals. It also includes a guided meditation with live energy healing for you and your animal companions too.
You will love it and your animal companions will thank you for it!
Ascension & Your Dormant DNA: What Is Your Dormant DNA, What Is It
This 30 minute informational call will put to rest any and all questions about the dormant DNA. During this call, we will review and discuss exactly what the dormant DNA is, how and why the dormant DNA is SO important to the Ascension process and how you can awaken and unlock the dormant codes within your DNA so that you and your body are truly prepared for the Ascension process.
Introduction to Vibrational Energy Healing and Meditation for People and Animals Using the 5th Dimensional Frequencies
During this introduction call you will learn all about the frequencies of the 5th Dimension and how to use these energies and frequencies for energy healing for yourself, your animal companions and your loved ones.
You will also learn about how animals can also learn to meditate too and how the practice of meditation can and does help them just as much as it helps us too!
Connect, Communicate and Heal with The Magical Dolphins of Bimini
As an EXTRA EXTRA BONUS, you will also receive 2 EXTRA BONUS CALLS, gifted to YOU when you purchase this package…These calls are entitled:
Connect, Communicate & Heal with The Dolphins of Bimini, The Bahamas and Sacred Dolphin Journey Q&A Call Recording, both have LIVE energy healing with and from the dolphins and there is also channeled information from the dolphins too.
This seven week on line healing program happens only once each year. Currently, registration is closed. Enter your name and email address below to learn more about the program and when our next enrollment period begins. You will also receive periodic gifted classes, materials and information relevant to Sacred Energy Healing & Transformation.
*Special discounted offer rates cannot be combined with any other special offers, discounts or coupons. Advanced discounted tuition rates on classes are non refundable. Class tuition is transferable to other classes and workshops for a small transfer fee. For additional information on our refund policy, please click here.