
If you have enjoyed and benefited from my spiritual gifts and energetic contribution, I welcome your contribution and demonstration of gratitude and appreciation for the services.
It is also an opportunity to practice the abundance principle of acknowledging Source/Creator/The Divine giving to YOU and being YOUR TRUE Source of all of your abundance and prosperity.
This energetic value exchange helps support my work so I can continue to offer my services and provide my gifts to the world as well as cover some of the costs associated with my many non-revenue items including my complimentary calls and live Sacred Energy Activations and Transformational Energy Healing for people and animals, as well as the archived programs, numerous video messages and many written articles which are published and shared around the globe.
Equally important, these donations help YOU to stay in flow with Original Source abundance and prosperity.
Through the act of tithing, we experience true prosperity and abundance which comes from the recognition that all is here for us now and that as we circulate it in joy and bless it along the way, and also know that SOURCE, Spirit, Creator, God, The Divine is OUR TRUE provider and with that acknowledgment ~ the money, wealth and riches of The Divine are ALWAYS available to us as we ask and make ready to receive with glad expectation…we are always provided for by OUR SOURCE.
Perhaps even more important, the new earth, Gaia, will be left in the care of those who KNOW how to share and who truly understand that we are simply the stewards of Source’s wealth and as we learn to trust in Source, we are always provided for with abundance, opulence, elegance and boundlessness!
“The fastest way to true wealth and prosperity is through generosity.” ~ Lori Ann Spagna
Thank you for your generosity and support!
I AM sending YOU My Infinite Love, Light, Brilliance, Gratitude and Joy!
Very best,