Dormant DNA Activations With Sacred Key Code Activations and Star Code Marking Activations
Activate & Awaken Your Dormant DNA, Sacred Key Codes,
Star Code Markings & Divine Templates

Activate Your Dormant DNA ~ Annual Membership
For You, Your Animals and Your Ancestral Lineage
Your DNA Strands are holding the keys and the codes – Sacred Key Codes ~ to awaken YOUR greatest potential and align you with the highest and best version of yourself.
This Sacred Membership is a living library of all of the DNA Activations to date.
These are Light Encoded Frequency Activations to assist you in remembering more of the highest truths, raising your own vibrational frequency, embodying the lightest and highest light.
These energetic attunements are designed to allow your Spiritual transformation and Consciousness expansion to be easy, graceful, benevolent, effortless.
These intense Sacred Energy Activations straight from Source to assist you to:
- Unplug from the 3D Reality and The Matrix
- Understand Ascension and The Ascension Timelines
- Clear, heal and resolve your genetic make-up in your DNA (including EVERY illness and dis-ease)
- Learn about your Sacred Key Codes hidden in your dormant DNA
- Strengthen Your Alignment with our True Source ~ Divine Creator Light
- Awaken your dormant DNA and your Dormant Potential including your INNER SOURCE of Infinite Gifts, Talents and Abilities
- Activate your Star Code Markings
- Reveal your Sacred Key Codes
- Meet your Galactic Star Family
- Learn what lies beyond the first 12 strands of DNA: 444 potential strands of un~awakened DNA
- Activate your Lightbody
- Up-level to the NEW PARADIGM 5th Dimension
- Shift into the 5th Dimensional Reality and beyond
This DNA Membership contains the complete history of all of the following:
- All Divine Dormant DNA Activations and Transmissions through December 2024
- All Sacred Key Code Activaitons through December 2024
- All Star Code Marking Activations through December 2024
- All Divine Template Activations through December 2024
- All Divine Virtues through December 2024
This Sacred Membership is an annual membership to a living library, which means it is updated regularly.
It contains the complete history of all of the different and entirely unique Speed Activation, Dormant DNA, Sacred Key Code and Star Code Marking Activation webinars, with 100s hours of content and over 25 hours of actual Dormant DNA, Sacred Key Code and Star Code Marking Activations.
All together, this membership currently includes has over 100s of hours of highly advanced, completely original and relevant evolutionary content not available any where else.
These dormant DNA, Sacred Key Code, Star Code Marking, Divine Template and Divine Virtue Activations and Transmissions are for activating the ascending body of light/light body for the Multi-Dimensional Reality and The Original Organic Ascension timeline. These key codes are stored in our DNA and our dormant blueprint which must be activated to align with 5D as well as to elevate and expand beyond 5D into the higher realms and dimensions beyond 5D.
All the Sacred Key Codes, Star Code Markings, Divine Templates and Divine Virtues are fully explained during the call as is the complete information regarding the various Portals and other significant portals and gateways, which happen every year to assist us during the Ascension timelines.
SOME of The Participants Who Assist Us During The Various Activations and Transmissions Include:
Ascended Masters
- Lord Jesus, Yeshua
- Lord Sananda & The Hosts
- Lord Melchizedek
- Lord Merlin
- Lord Katumi
- Lord St. Germain
- Council of Eternal Ever Beings
- Your OWN Personal Master in The Non Physical
Divine Goddesses
- Mother Mary
- Lady Quan Yin
- Lady Mary Magdeline
- Lady Nada
- Goddess Lakshmi
- Godess Abundantia
- Shakti – Hindu Goddess of Primal Energy
- Goddess Saraswati
- Goddess Parvati
- Mother Earth ~ Gaia Sophia
Benevolent Star Family Races
- The Pleiadians ~ Pleiadian Light Codes and Frequencies
- Lemurians ~ Lemurian Light Codes and Frequencies
- Arcturians ~ Arcturian Light Codes and Frequencies
- Sirian ~ Sirian Light Codes and Frequencies
- Intergalactic Councils Of Light
- Plus Others
- Sharing wisdom about their timeline related to Advanced Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and The Atlantean Timeline
Inner Earth Beings
- Agarthans ~ New To Our Tribe!!!
- Telosians
The Angelics
- Archangels
- Angel Gods
The Universal Laws
The The Akashic Records
- The Lords Of The Akash ~ The Future Of HUmanity
- The Lords Of Karma ~ HUmanity’s Liberation
The Animal Kingdom
WE will be learning from and sharing energy with the following animal kingdom members:
- Just about every sub kingdom from the entire animal kingdom, including, but not limited to:
- Whales, dolphins, elephants, wolves, tigers, lions, rabbits, birds, etc. etc. etc.
The Consciousness Of
- The Canadian Trucker Perspective
- The Consciousness Of CoVid
- The Consciousness Of Vaccines, esp. the various CoVid Vaccines
- Weather Patterns and Storms and Geomagnetic Activities
Plus So Much More, Including But Not Limited To:
- Sacred Geometries
- The Universal Laws
- The Crystalline Kingdom
,Some (but NOT all) of the Dormant DNA, Sacred Key Code and Star Code Marking Activations in this package include:
- Original Divine Blueprint
- 1-1-Portal Codes
- Star Tetrahedron
- Double Star Tetrahedron
- Still Point Zero POINT Activation
- Anchor Point Activation
- Schumann Resonance Activation – from mother earth -Gaia
- Earth Star Code Activation
- Councils of Light Activation
- Soul Star Living Light Codes
- Photon Belt and Heliosphere Activation
- Stellar Gateway Activation
- Universal Gateway Activation
- Cosmic Gateway Activation
- Aquamarine Living Light Codes
- Double Rainbow Ray of Living Light Codes Visionary Consciousness
- Codes of Eternal Rejuvenation
- Codes of Timelessness
- Codes of Self Regeneration
- Codes of Immortality
- Codes of Eternity
- Codes of Infinity
- Green Tara’s Activation
- Codes of The {Amplified} Emerald Ray
- Codes of The {Amplified} Magenta Ray
- Codes of The Silver Ray
- Codes of The Golden Ray and The Golden Christ Ray
- Codes of The Diamond Ray
- Codes of The Platinum Ray
- Codes of The Rainbow Ray
- Solaris Activation
- The Crystalline Codes
- The Codes of Liberation and Sovereignty
- Krystal Codes
- Diamond Codes
- Emerald Codes
- Magenta Codes
- Plasma Light Codes
- Merkaba Body Activation
- Melchizedek Order Activation
- Flower of Life Activation
- Codes of Luminesncence
- Codes of Bio~Luminescence
- Codes of the Inner Light
- Codes of the Outer Light
- Codes of Union and Reunion
- Twim Flame Activation
- The Yeshua and Magdalene Activation
- Codes of High Magic
- Codes of High Mastery
- Codes of Personal Mastery
- Merlin Codes
There are many, many, many additional activations included in the calls which are not listed below; all Sacred Key Code Activations are fully explained on the call recordings before they are provided.
PLUS MANY, Many other additional Star Code, Sacred Key Code, Divine Template and Divine Virtue Activations and Transmissions.
Inside of this membership, you will also receive additional BONUS Meditations to activate YOUR OWN DNA, so you too will learn to activate your DNA through your own SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS ~ you will LOVE them and HUGELY BENEFIT from them!
SOME of The Other Sacred Activations and Divine Transmissions Include:
- 14th Strand Of DNA Activation
- Golden Phoenix Activation
- 144 Key Codes Of Light Activation
- 144 Fire Codes Of Light Activation
- 144 Base Magnetic Codes Activation
- Codes of Divine Alchemy Activation
- Luminous Light Code Activation
- Oscillating Cosmic Rays Activation
- Diamond Light Codes Activation
- Avatar Race Codes Activation
- Cosmic Rays of Evolution Transmission
- Source Light Amplification Transmission
- New Earth Frequencies Transmission
- Rainbow Frequencies Transmission
- Divine Light Protocols
- Light Body Activation
- Pleiadian Light Codes and Frequencies
- Lemurian Light Codes and Frequencies
- Arcturian Light Codes and Frequencies
- Sirian Light Codes and Frequencies
- Divine Templates
- Divine Virtues
- Expansive Vision Transmission
- Visionary Transmission
- Multi-Dimensional Sight Activation
- Codes Of Sacred Geometries
- Triveca Code Activation
Keys and Codes of:
- Energetic Self Mastery
- Self Awareness
- The Awakened Heart
- Self Worth and Self Value
- Self Discovery
- Recognition of Self as SOURCE
- Realization of The Ability To Live A Life FREE of Fear
- Transcendence of The Inner Shadow
- Remembering of The Infinite Source Within
- Knowledge of The Infinite Wisdom Within
- The Value and WORTH of ALL LIFE including The SELF as LIFE
- Self Esteem
- Self Courage
- Self Truth
- Self Authenticity
Additional Activations Including, but not limited to:
- Personal Self Mastery
- Light Code Keeper Activation
- Multi-Dimensional Heart Activation
- Aqualorian Light Activation
SOME of The Divine Templates include:
- Planetary Stewardship Activation
- Passionate Exploration
- Intimate Connection
- Template for Unification
- Divine Sincerity
- Spontaneous Delight
- Playful Connection
- Innocent Enjoyment
- Divine Reverence
- Exponential Growth
- Spontaneous Awakening
- Empathic Interaction
- Effortless Accomplishment
- Divine Synchronicity
- Conscious Integrity
And of course, Codes of Immunity and Imperviousness, Activating Your Immunity and Imperviousness to ANY AND ALL:
- Viruses
- Shedding
- Harmful Solar Radiation
- Electronic Interference, including Nano Technology, EMF, Smart Meters,
- Chem Trails, Artificial Intelligence,
- Implantation
- Harmful / Detrimental effects of vaccines, including Graphine Oxide, Luciferase, Nano-Particles and any other toxins and unhelpful particulates contained in the vials of the MRNA and other vaccines/inoculations
Memberships are living libraries, which means that each year brand new, highly progressive content is added to the memberships ~ and because they are continually are updated with the all new content, membership expires after a year, unless the member renews with conscious consent (we do not auto renew).
Much, though not all of the audio and video content (mp3s, mp4s and / or pdfs) within the membership portal are downloadable onto your computer so that you can own them for life, however, membership access via the membership portal is annual and expires at the end of a full year cycle.
This Annual Membership Is Valued At $2222+++
Today’s Special Offer Rate = $597
You SAVE OVER $1625+ When You Enroll Today!
*Special discounted offer rates cannot be combined with any other special offers, discounts or coupons. Advanced discounted tuition rates on classes are non refundable. Class tuition is transferable to other classes and workshops for a small transfer fee. For additional information on our refund policy, please click here.