2025 Predictions And Global Energy Forecast

2025 Predictions, Themes & Global Energy Forecast Webinar

Catch The Replay From This MAGNIFICENT 3 Hour Live Channeled Event
Via Tele-Class & Webinar
Recorded for delayed playback so you can listen at your leisure

This live webinar will include intel  from conversations and Divine Channeling with
Angelics, Star Family Races and Other Benevolent Beings in The Non Physical and Higher Dimensional Realms
This event is offered only once per year.

“Our intention and desire in addressing these challenging topics is to be supportive
and helpful in the most benevolent best ways possible for all, with harm to none.” ~ The Unseens
You won’t want to miss it!

Some of the topics we will address will include:

  • What is ahead for the year of 2025?
  • What can humanity expect regarding the upcoming energies that we as a collective will be addressing
  • What is the collective trajectory for HU~manity?
  • How can we contribute to the betterment on earth for all beings?
  • What can we do to improve the quality of life for ourselves and one another, aka, all beings, on earth?
  • How can we more actively steer the driving wheel of creation on earth?
  • What can we as Light Leaders, Visionaries, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Change Agents and Conscious Beings do to more fully align with our role in The Divine plan?
  • What else might we expect in the year ahead that we might not yet be aware of?
  • How can we best prepare for the SHIFTS and CHANGES ahead?
  • How can we best navigate the escalating energies?
  • How can we help animals during this Ascension process, particularly in the year ahead?


We will also be addressing some of the following global issues related to the following questions:

  • What is going to happen regarding the current war in the Middle East?
  • What updates might there be regarding the war between Russia and Ukrane?
  • What is the deeper reason behind these atrocities?
  • How are these experiences serving HU~manity and how is it part of God / Source / Creator’s Divine Plan?
  • Will HU~manity EVER return to a state of normalcy and / or how will we evolve beyond it?
  • How will AI affect HU~manity going forward and how can we best navigate the new AI?
  • What is going on and what will take place regarding the AI agenda?
  • What kinds of Earth changes might we expect and how can we best navigate the earth changes ahead?
  • What can we do as HU~mans to make sure that only that which is for our most benevolent best comes to pass?
  • How do we clear and transmute any of the potential negative effects of the harmful and / or toxic substances in the external reality?
  • What insights and / or learnings can we gain about global circumstances?
  • What should we expect regarding global environmental changes and how might we  best prepare?
  • How do we best navigate such challenging times?
  • Plus more….

We will also  be addressing some of the following questions related to world financial markets and institutions:

  • What can we expect for the future of financial currencies?
  • How will the year and years ahead shift and change our financial markets?
  • What role is cryptocurrency playing with respect to our shifting economies?
  • How will the global housing markets be affected?
  • How might  our individual and collective human lifestyles change?
  • Is it true that we might need to stock up or prepare for food shortages and our supply chain shortages?
  • What will happen with electronic currencies and crypto currencies?
  • What role will precious metals play in the future economies?
  • Will there be a global depression and /or financial ~ world market collapse?
  • How will HU~manity best navigate our future?
  • What intel / consciousness / guidance can we receive regarding our financial futures?
  • What insights and / or learnings can we gain about our financial economies?
  • Plus more….

We will also be addressing some of the following questions related to Government ~ Patriarchy ~ Oligarcy and World Control Systems:

  • What updates might we expect regarding the agenda of The Light?
  • What updates might we expect regarding the global agenda of the elites and / or puppet masters in the game of life?
  • Is the cabal real, who are they what is their agenda?
  • What is the negative vs. positive alien agenda?
  • When and how will we finally remove those beings who are guilty of crimes against HU~manity from positions of power, leadership, authority and global influence?
  • What’s ahead for the United States Presidential elections?
  • What is the direction for the future of world leadership and who might get into power?
  • What’s happening in in other countries?
  • What is the agenda behind the war between Russia and Ukraine?
  • Are we as a human race actually going to be able to successfully navigate our way out of this collective dark night of the soul, and if so, how?
  • What can we as Lightworkers do to help?
  • Plus more….


Other topics and questions we will address will include:

  • What is going on with regard to aliens, ETs and Star Family races as it relates to planet earth?
  • How do we navigate and discern between fake news, misinformation and disinformation?
  • What are the greater truths behind global warming and what can we do about it?
  • What is going on with the Solar Flares?  What is the greater purpose of the solar flare activities?
  • What are the greater truths about 5G technology and cell phone towers?
  • Is 5G technology harmful and if so, how might it affect us and what can we do about it?
  • Will free energy be released into society?
  • Is it true that there might be food and / or water shortages part of a planned agenda?
  • Is the earth a flat earth or a round earth? Why are so many convinced that the earth is flat?
  • What is gender identity disorder?
  • How is gender confusion part of the greater Divine Plan?
  • What is the greater reason behind the transhumanism?
  • Will there be race and gender equality?
  • How will the food supply chain be changing?
  • What is the greater purpose behind all of these issues?
  • What is taking so long for HU~manity to awaken?
  • What year does HU~manity achieve super consciousness?
  • Plus more….

These are tough questions to ask and tough issues to navigate.
The Divine Realms of Love and Light are providing guidance and solutions to those of us who are seeking it.

If you feel called, and are willing and able to come with an open mind and a loving and caring heart, please do join us.

The True Value of This 3+ Hour Webinar is $333

The Current Fair Energy Exchange For This Event Is ONLY $144

- I have read and agree with our Terms of Use

The LIVE tele-class information will be emailed directly to you the week before the live event.  You do not have to be present on the live call to receive the benefits. As always, the live energy will be equally effective in delayed playback.  The webinar will be recorded for repeat and delayed listening and will be also emailed directly to all participants.

*Special discounted offer rates cannot be combined with any other special offers, discounts or coupons. Advanced discounted tuition rates on classes are non refundable. Class tuition is transferable to other classes and workshops for a small transfer fee.  For additional information on our refund policy, please click here.

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