Develop Your Intuition & Energy
Develop Your Divine Intuition And Your Intuitive Gifts, Talents And Abilities
Two Part Class:
Class #1 ~ Teaching and Practicum ~ Home Study Recording Is Sent To You
Class #2 ~ LIVE Q&A and Coaching, Mentorship and Energetic Support Call With Lori
Also recorded for delayed and repeat listening / viewing.
Develop your intuition and higher functioning, extra sensory abilities.
Get energetic support and assistance to awaken, activate and develop your:
- Clairsentience ~ Psychic Feeling
- Clairvoyance ~ Psychic Seeing
- Claircognizance ~ Psychic Knowing
- Clairaudience ~ Psychic Hearing
- Clairgustance ~ Psychic Tasting
It’s much easier and more fun than you may realize!
During this two part live webinar, you will:
- Learn powerful tools, practices and techniques to awaken and develop your extra sensory gifts
- Get energetic support and healing to remove blockages
- Reset and re-calibrate your mindset and consciousness to align with your super sensory abilities
- Experience a 3rd Eye Activation to activate and awaken your Third Eye
- Activate your crown chakra for greater psychic awareness and higher consciousness
- Awaken and build more of your heart brain
- Awaken and build more of your gut brain
- Receive energy healing to bring you into greater alignment with your own dormant, Divine gifts, talents and abilities
- Participate in a deep meditative practice to help you with these extra sensory gifts
Plus, you will be able to use it to help your clients, students, friends and colleagues too!
This live webinar is designed to assist and support participants so that you can better be of service and make clearer, more effective contributions to those you support as well as up-level your own divine guidance and knowings.
There are no prerequisites. All are welcome.
These events are conducted in video webinar format. They are recorded for the exclusive use of the particular group members.
All of the coaching, training and support plus any live energy healing during the events will be effective in delayed playback for repeat listening. The webinar recordings will be recorded and sent to you via email within 48 hours of the live event.
YES! I AM Ready NOW!
The True Value of This 2 Part Webinar is $444+
Current Fair Energy Exchange for this event is ONLY $222 ~ Save $222+ Off Regular Rate
The current rate will increase to $333 without notice.
Please join us now before the rate increases.
The LIVE video and audio webinar information will be emailed directly to your payment email address the week before the live event. You do not have to be present on the live call to receive the benefits. As always, the live energy will be equally effective in delayed playback. The call will be recorded for delayed listening and will be emailed directly to all participants.
*Special discounted offer rates cannot be combined with any other special offers, discounts or coupons. Advanced discounted tuition rates on classes are non refundable. Class tuition is transferable to other classes and workshops for a small transfer fee. For additional information on our refund policy, please click here.