Lightworker Sacred Mentorship-3

Transformational Sacred Mentorship
Fall In LOVE With Yourself, Your Life And All That Is…
Become The Person You Have Always Wanted To Be
Live The Life Your Soul Desires For You ~ The Epic Life You Were Born To Live.
It’s TRUE! You really CAN do~be~have~heal~resolve~achieve~experience anything your soul desires for you when you align with The Divine, so that you can live the life you were truly born to live.
This is THE ULTIMATE Sacred Transformation Community Of TRULY HIGH VIBE, HEART CENTERED Awakening Beings Designed to help you to address and resolve your core needs and most challenging issues so that you can FINALLY experience the BREAKTHROUGH that you deserve and so that you can truly become the person you have always wanted to be.
Join Lightworker Sacred Mentorship So That YOU Can do ~ be ~ have ~ heal ~ resolve ~ achieve ~ experience whatever your soul is dreaming up for you! Plus, you. will get all the spiritual coaching, help, support, guidance, clearing, downloads, activations, healing and spiritual and metaphysical tools that YOU (and YOUR Animals) truly need, want and deserve SO that you can live the EPIC life you are meant to.
Lightworker Sacred Mentorship Will Enable you to TRULY live the EPIC LIFE YOU Were Born To Live As You Learn To Align With Your Soul’s Divine Plan For You via Vibrational Alignment With Your. True Divine Source.
It is time for you to:
Release and transform your unconscious and semi-conscious blocks and fears
Heal and resolve core wounds and traumas
End undesirable behaviors, negative habits and self-sabotage
Breakthrough your own personal plateaus and glass ceilings
Reclaim your power
Awaken your divinity
Raise your vibration
Utilize the DIVINE GIFTS and Metaphysical Tools that are available to you
Experience Divine Clarity and Divine Certainty
Restore the joy within
Fall in LOVe with yourself
Align with your Soul’s Divine Plan
Live the epic life you are meant to live
When you join our Lightworker Sacred Mentorship, you will come to know, from the depths of your Sacred Heart center:
You do not have to walk this journey of awakening alone anymore
You do not have to struggle through it anymore
You can and you will breakthrough the barriers that have been holding you back
There IS an infinite resource of infinite potential available to and for you
You will truly live A Soul Inspired, Divinely Aligned Life
It’s Time For You To Become The Person You Have Always Wanted To Be.

Lightworker Sacred Mentorship teaches you to fully embrace the love that you are…
To really LIVE in the new reality… where you experience the highest and most benevolent best version of yourself.
You have a dream to be the best version of yourself, to live a life you love and make a positive contribution in the world.
We have the training, support, divine guidance, spiritual tools, energy healing and the incredible sacred community to make it happen – and a heck of a lot faster, easier and more enjoyable than you ever imagined.
Join our growing community of like minded, high ~ vibe, awakening beings who are transforming their lives for the better by applying metaphysical and spiritual guidance, tools, practices, techniques and energy. We are dedicated to falling in LOVE with our lives, being the people we always dreamed of being and living in Alignment with our Soul’s Divine Plan.
You will make fundamental, life empowering, transformational shifts in this Lightworker Sacred Mentorship.
Yes! I AM Ready!
It’s Time For The Next Step In Your Journey

I will help you to become the person you have always wanted to be and
have the life you have always wanted to have…with ease, grace and joy!
Are you ready to finally break FREE from feeling:
- Frustration about being stuck and blocked from progressing in your life
- Fear, doubt or uncertainty about moving forward
- Uncertainty about what is even possible for you
- Self doubt that you’re good enough to make your dreams a reality
- Indecision about what next appropriate step to take in your life’s journey
- Lack of clarity about your unique mission and purpose
- Hiding In The Spiritual Closet (afraid of judgements and / or rejection of others)
- Tired of delaying your own self care and enjoyment
- Burnt out and exhausted from chronically taking care of others and neglecting yourself and your own needs
- Unsure about exactly how you will ever achieve or accomplish your goals, dreams and desires?
- Tired of feeling like an imposter when using your spiritual gifts or worse, hiding in the spiritual closet for fear of being judged?
- Exhausted from the day to day grind of the physical world ~ you want to change your life and devote yourself to your spiritual practices, but there’s just not enough time…
- Sad and even sometimes depressed because you know something is missing from your life
- Worried about your future and the future of the world and humanity
- Doubt and disbelief that you have the gifts, talents and abilities of The Divine?
- Regret that your life is not yet where you want it to be?
- Paralyzed by fear, doubt or uncertainty or even imposter syndrome
- Fed Up with hearing that you should be able to communicate with angels, guides and other benevolent beings and still not able to do it?
I have been there too!
And that’s why I want to help you transform and transcend this old paradigm way of being…it’s just not the truth of who you truly are or why you came here…
Yes! I AM Ready!
Step Into Your True Divine Authentic Power

Lightworker Sacred Mentorship is for those who are ready to step into
an entirely new vibration; The highest and most benevolent best version of their life.
- Anxious
- Blocked
- Concerned
- Confused
- Doubtful
- Fearful
- Frustrated
- Hopeless
- Loneliness
- Regretful
- Sabotaged
- Saddened
- Thwarted
- Unclear
- Uncertain
- Worried
So if you’re scared right now, if you’re second-guessing yourself, if you are feeling alone as the world is intensifying in chaos, please know: You are not alone.
That’s why Lightworker Sacred Mentorship is here.
Lightworker Sacred Mentorship is an opportunity to step into a new energetic paradigm, to walk through your own portal of Self Love and vibrate at an entirely new level of self awareness, cosmic connection and service to the world…this is an opportunity to up-level into the next, highest and best harmonic expression of your own self.
Lightworker Sacred Mentorship was designed to help participants delve even deeper into their unconscious, activate their heart center, access their core center and embody their light.
This Sacred Mentorship will support you to utilize the tools of The Divine so you can easily and gracefully clear, heal and resolve your shadow aspects, master your energy, live your best life, command your reality and consciously co~create your true destiny….so that you can uncover your true calling, reveal your mission and experience the life of your dreams and become the person you have always wanted to be.
Yes! I AM Ready!
You Can Take Back The Power And Control Over Your Own Life.

Lightworker Sacred Mentorship is going to help you achieve all that you came here to achieve, easily, effortlessly and enjoyably…and with grace.
This community has been designed to help you connect on a very deep and intimate level with all things metaphysical, esoteric and mystical…and to align with your inner divinity where you will consciously create and have the kinds of life experience you truly desire.
Achieve your goals, dreams and desires with ease, grace and effortlessness
Feel great about yourself while you do it
LOVE and enjoy the person you are
Recognize yourself as a vehicle of The Divine
Restore balance and harmony within
Experience profound personal growth and transformation in the most benevolent best ways without pain and suffering
Explore your inner emotional and spiritual landscape so that you can resolve whatever has been sabotaging you
Re-integrate your high self-soul self into your embodiment so that you have the the inner guidance and clarity you have been seeking?
Accomplish more of your goals and desires with expanded life force and SOURCE energy; limitless energy
Shift your life experience so that you can have and enjoy a life you love
Anchor into the new paradigm on earth, which is often referred to as The 5th Dimension so that you can live FREE from pain and suffering and truly benefit from the GLORY and GREATNESS of ALL that LIFE has to offer?
You can!
The truth is, all change begins with mindset but all real and lasting transformation takes place in the non physical realms, beyond the mind and the mental body….it takes place in your morpho-genetic field of dynamic energy.
I will help you to do this and I will show you how.
Yes! I AM ready!
The Power To Have What You Want Is Within YOU.

Uncover, Heal and Resolve Those Blocks You Have
Been Trying to Heal and Resolve for Lifetimes
The fact is, there are always infinite solutions available to us ~ the simple truth is, everything is available for us and anything is possible for us….especially now, in this new paradigm.
The other simple truth is that everything you want is at your finger tips when you are clear about your desires and when you effectively utilize the power of conscious intention and divine energy. Period.
The power to have what you want IS within you.
That’s why I can say, with absolute certainty…
You’re going to want to join this sacred mentorship if you’re ready to:
Learn entirely new perspectives, mindsets, points of view and understandings and truths about your reality and the way it works
Align with laws of the universe to transcend your life experience as you know it
Receive brand new energetic upgrades to your body and being that will literally shift and up-level your core vibration, thereby changing you life experience for the better
Experience new energetic vibrations that will both empower you and also energetically align you with more love, light, joy, dignity, grace, glory and elegance
Incorporate your soul and spirit into your work and your daily activities
Become a vehicle of The Divine, so that everything you do aligns with infinite source of all that is and therefore, all energetics in your life path are always aligned
Explore, heal and resolve those parts of your unconscious, your psyche and your bio-energy field that have been blocking you are successfully resolved, thereby, no longer sabotaging you or interfering with your true desires and dreams
Discover how to resolve the deeply hidden traumas and shadow aspects of your unconscious patterns, blocks and limitations so that you can finally be FREE
Gain clarity on your own mission and purpose as well as clarity regarding solutions to your everyday life circumstances
Experience greater healing and wholeness
Expand your consciousness, including your confidence and sense of self love, self admiration, and self appreciation in ways you never before thought were possible for you.
Explore the healing potential of self-compassion practices
Learn how to utilize tools of The Divine for your highest and best and the highest and best of those you love
Plus so much more ….
You will be learning extremely progressive teachings, advanced practices, new meditations and healing techniques which are just not available to the masses. You will also receive radically progressive clearings, alignments and activations which are going to radically transform. the way you life your life as well as your entire life experience for the better.
I will show you how.
Yes! I AM Ready!
The Force And The Source Is Within You. You Just Need The Keys To Unlock It.

Get The Most Progressive, Yet Grounded Spiritual Support To Assist You
As You Align With Your Most Benevolent Best Trajectory
As a result of participating in Lightworker Sacred Mentorship, you are going to dramatically and significantly Improved Relationship With:
Source ~ Creator ~ God ~ The Divine ~ The Infinite ALL That Is ~ The Quantum Field
Your Self ~ Including Your Current Self and Your Past Selves
Your Future Self
Your Higher Self
Your Eternal Ever Being
All Others (Family, Friends, Loved Ones / Colleagues / Co Workers)
Your Animals
The Old 3D Paradigm and All That Is
Career / Success
Money / Wealth / Abundance
Your Body / Health / Well Being
Your LIFE: Dramatically and Significantly Improve The Quality Of Your Life In ALL Areas Of Life
Through this deep inner work, each participant will be and feel fully enriched and divinely guided by your own inner compass…as a result, your true embodiment and personal empowerment will reveal itself, enabling you to live the rich, full, fulfilling life and reveal the truly vibrant, authentic, empowered you that is awaiting.
It’s going to be fun and expansive, beyond your wildest dreams!
I will help you with this.
Yes! I AM Ready!
You Are An Infinite Being With VAST Potential…
It Is Time To Reveal Your True Innate Value And Worth

Lightworker Sacred Mentorship Will Reveal The Vastness Of Your Potential, Thereby Helping You To Consciously Choose The Experiences You Desire
Here’s what makes Lightworker Sacred Mentorship so unique and special….
Lighworker Sacred Mentorship is both an outer and an inner journey… into the layers of your Being, the unconscious areas of your consciousness…
The aspects of you that are seeking to be loved and understood…those aspects of you which need a voice, an expression and a healing…the aspects of you waiting to be unveiled…
The truth is, YOU are SO MUCH MORE AMAZING and have SO MUCH MORE value than you can possibly imagine. This adventure is about discovering and uncovering your hidden value and worth that is innately and irrevocably in you.
Lightworker is also about finding the best ways to more fully express your unique talents, value, power, beauty, significance, love, joy and authenticity so you can live fully in alignment with who you came here to be, how you came here to express yourself and what you came here to do…all uncovered from the depths of your Sacred Heart Center.
Clear layers of old, unconscious fears, anxieties, blocks, frustrations and/or limitations in all areas of life
Heal patterns of negative self image and unworthiness including self denial, lack and limitation
Find and remove unconscious blocks that may be preventing you from being your FULL joyous self in everyday life
Heal and resolve traumas and dramas from this and other lifetimes
Receive deep and profound healing
Dissolve blocks, barriers and unhealthy boundaries which might hold you back and/or keep you stuck, small or uncertain
Reconnect with your high self/soul self and inner divine guidance
Look and listen to what your heart is asking of you
Receive consecutive intensive healing sessions and sacred activations
Connect, communing and communicating with the non physical realms, including the nature kingdom, animal kingdom, angels and other benevolent beings of love and light, such as star family races, the galactics and the unseen non physical realms of Ascended Masters, Divine Goddesses, and other benevolent beings in the non physical realm.
You can do this.
I will help you.
Yes! I AM Ready!
You Are The Light. You Are The Love.
You Are The Solution You Have Been Looking For

Engage In Fun Exercises, Participate In Group, Healings, Channelings,
Meditations And Discussions, Plus Get Foundational Courses And Lessons
Let’s face it, in this current paradigm, that’s a requirement for living.
You might have already become a healer or energy worker of some kind, maybe a Reiki Practitioner, or yoga teacher, or an Akashic Records Reader, or a Past Life Regression Therapist, or maybe you are a Tarot Card Reader or an Astrologer…..and you may very likely be an animal communicator (that’s my tribe!)…
But it’s likely that you still aren’t exactly where you truly want to be and that you still haven’t achieved all that you came here to do….you may even feel unfulfilled (I know I did for Y.E.A.R.S!!!) and perhaps even worse, you might feel like you have tried everything…..
So that’s why I created Lightworker Sacred Mentorship…because I want to help YOU! (people like us, who often feel that way :)…because I have been there too!
And here’s what I have learned on this journey…
Most people can only go as far as their own unconscious will allow them too…we need someone else who can help us search and find, heal and resolve and ultimately completely transmute our own unconscious limitations.
Furthermore, most people are not truly aligned with their own Soul’s Highest Calling and The Divine Plan that is truly aligned with their most benevolent best trajectory.
No matter where you’re at right now, how deep your fear, how painful your frustration, I want to truly reassure you, that this is not an insurmountable problem.
I know first-hand that your unconscious blocks and energy field can bring up a lot of emotional triggers and pain points that will sabotage your progress and make you doubt yourself and even feel hopeless.
I have spent an entire lifetime dedicated to doing this kind of work – dedicating myself to it…and that’s why I KNOW it works.
Simply put, this work is real.
This work is powerful.
This work is effective.
This work is truly transformational.
It’s the REAL DEAL.
I will help you.
Join Us Today!
Yes! I AM Ready!
It’s Time To Completely Transform Your Yourself, Your Life And Your Future

Get The Loving Support, Compassionate Understanding, Accurate Spiritual Guidance And Powerful, Effective, Divine Assistance You Have Been Longing For
During Lightworker Sacred Mentorship, you will:
Discover how unique and valuable you really are
Realize your uniqueness and your significance
Understand where you fit and how you are integral and essential to the whole of existence
Embody your true self and your unique expression of you and your higher self
Open new ways to live and express your true gifts, talents and abilities
Cultivate confidence and motivation to truly follow your excitement at all times regardless of the outcome
Open up, elevate, and clarify your body and being
Clearly hear the whispers of your soul
Anchor new patterns of Self Love, Self Honor, Self Care, Self Respect
Connect to the Divine Within
Shift your energy so you can make changes that will last
Align your life to who you are at a soul level
Tap into your innate wisdom and intuitive nature
Integrate your intuitive connection
Raise your vibration and elevate your frequency
Get into harmony with the heartbeat of Mother Earth Gaia and the Universe
Connect with like-minded inspiring people
Be inspired to live and lead from the heart
Gather the courage to life the life you chose to at a soul level
Reset your fight/flight system so that you can see a world of opportunities rather than threats, stress and danger
Learn how to light the world up with your unique presence
Benefit from direct interaction with non physical beings of LOVE: Our Ascended Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones, The Animal Kingdom, Angels, Guides and Guardians from the non physical realm as well as our own Star Family Races
Laugh, have fun and be supported by a tribe and community of amazing people
Enjoy sacred space in a safe, loving and supportive environment
Receive the divine wisdom, guidance and coaching you have been longing for
Build your tribe and community of loving, supportive connections with like-minded individuals within the group and make lifetime friendships
Get the direct, one on one support you need (via direct interaction with me!)
You are worth it.
You do deserve it.
You can have it.
It is available to you.
Join Us Today!
Yes! I AM Ready!
You Are Worth It. You Do Deserve It. You Can Have It. It Is Available to You. Now.

Lightworker Sacred Mentorship
Is Going To Transform Your Life For The Better.
Please indulge me for a moment ~ I am going to go out on a limb and tell you, even if you think you don’t have any unconscious traumas, dramas, upsets, blocks or patterns, I can tell you…you do….
We all do.
Deep within each and ever one of us are layers and layers of consciousness and aspects of the heart that are ready to awaken from within so we can emerge into the vibrancy of our being and reap the benefits of the greatness of who we truly are and what we came here to be, do and share…
These dormant parts of you are ready to actualize in your life more fully, wholly and completely.
By being willing to peel back the layers of your egoic, personality self, you will reveal the Diamond, Crystalline layers of your inner most soulful self.
Those Crystaline diamonds are you ! Beauty~FULL, vibrant YOU! With all the gifts of The Divine!
Finding the courage within you to reveal to yourself the highest truth ~ and GIFTS ~ of who you are and who you came here to be is the core mission of every soul on earth ~ and it is a huge part of our Lightworker Sacred Mentorship.
What is your soul ready to reveal to you?
How deep is the love in your heart center?
How can you more fully connect with your guidance and your divine team?
How can you better receive, accept and allow the incoming higher frequency energies?
Are you willing to embody your higher soul self?
Do you have the courage to align with your god self?
Are you willing to align with your Soul’s Divine Plan?
Together, we will be clearing old, unconscious and residual blocks and shadow aspects which may be keeping you stuck in a fear based paradigm, ie, fearful, small or uncertain.
Through practices and techniques, such as guided breath work, meditation, inner exploration, deep soul searching, Higher Guidance, DIVINE SOURCE energy healing and Sacred Activations, you will discover, reveal and embody your divinity and the greatness of who you are meant to be.
So you can and will become the person you have always wanted to be and live the life of your soul’s deepest desires.
In this fully supportive environment, you will access areas of yourself that need the time, the space, and clearing to emerge safely, un-rushed, and without distraction. You will relax and be nourished during this process of transformation.
You CAN BE The Person You Have Always Wanted To Be and Live The Life Your Soul Truly Desires For You.
I will show you how.
Join Us Today!
Yes! I AM Ready!
You CAN BE The Person You Have Always Wanted To Be.

Embody Your Higher Self, Activate Your Heart Center
And Fully, Authentically Express The Divinity Within You.
Because if you have wished and longed for something better, and have done your best to be all positive about attaining whatever that is, ie, health, well being, abundance, prosperity, financial security, love, friendship, over all safety and security in your life, career success….whatever, if you have wished for and longed for any of these things, l want you to know that I know how hard it can be to break through your own inner plateau and glass ceiling.
That said, it IS POSSIBLE.
In fact, even more than possible, it is more than likely when you begin to utilize the tools of spiritual consciousness and energy.
By working with the unconscious, your DNA and The Infinite Omni~Present SOURCE of ALL That Is, combined with your higher self, your angels, guides, guardians, masters, teachers and loved ones in the non physical realms (aka, your Divine Team)you will begin to experience an entirely different reality….which is more aligned with who you truly are meant to be and how you are truly meant to live.
This is where Lightworker Sacred Mentorship comes in. Inside of this Sacred Mentorship are proven tools, techniques, systems and processes that will help you get where you want to be.
Here are just some of the topic areas we will address, that you are going to be learning as a result of participating in Lightworker Bootcamp Sacred Mentorship:
How to open all of your major Chakras and energy centers so that you have more energetic band width to accomplish all of your daily activities
How to open your Core Pillar so you can free up your mind and emotions for more inner peace and inner harmony
How to access Theta Brainwave and utilize it for telepathic communication
How to activate your 3rd Eye and utilize your extra sensory perception
How to connect through your sacred heart (aka, Multi-Dimensional) heart center so that you can experience more healing and resolution in any area of your life
How to align with your multi-dimensional self, aka, your Avatar Self
How to UP~level your core vibration, aka, raise your vibration
How to awaken your Dormant DNA
How to clear, heal and resolve traumas
How to connect with your angels, guides, loved ones in the non physical and get real, genuine and helpful guidance
How to communicate Telepathically With Animals
How to work with the Laws Of The Universe so The Universe Works FOR you, and so you are in harmony with the natural laws
How to effectively utilize THE MOST EFFECTIVE PRACTICES To clear, heal and resolve your own inner issues
How to energetically receive and embody the energetic frequencies and wave patterns (think quantum physics) of the essences of the highest and purest virtues of who you want to be and how you want to present in the world
All of these practices, tools, techniques and modalities are designed to assist you in stepping into alignment with the true divine, authentic expression of YOU.
Join Us Today!
Yes! I AM Ready!
You CAN Have The Life You Have Always Dreamt Of.

Lightworker Sacred Mentorship Will Help You Fall In Love With Your Life.
Direct Access To The Divine
Easier Decision Making Abilities
Higher Vibration
Inner Knowing
Depth Of Perception
Get Past Blind Spots
Security From Within
Self LOVe
Unification With Their Source
Once you are embodying more of these divine virtues, and all of the energy of BE-ing these qualities, your unique energy form will emanate these things from and through your entirety….and as that happens, everything around you will begin to ripple out and radiate from you…as your core essence shifts and changes, your reality will begin to reflect something new and different ~ more aligned with what you are consciously choosing and inviting in.
What’s even more, because you will be regularly connecting with conscious community of like minded awakening beings who are sharing the same kinds of transformational experiences…so you will get the added benefit of community support.
Join Us Today!
Yes! I AM Ready!
Everything Is Available To You.

Lightworker Sacred Mentorship Will Empower You And Help You To Grow
You’ll Get Access to Some Of My Best-Selling, High Vibrational, Extremely Progressive Home Study Spiritual, Self Empowerment And Personal Development Courses:
Intuitive Development: Aligning With Your I AM Presence And Your Inner Self ~ Higher Self ~ Source Self
The Secret Energy Of Money And The Spiritual Laws Of Prosperity And Abundance
Reclaiming Your True Divine Power
Understanding And Working With The Universal Laws & How To Align With Them
Self Love, Forgiveness And Healing
New Year, New Life, New You
Future Crafting ~ Reality Crafting: Manifesting Your Best Life Ever
Ascension Healing And Support Group Webinars
Plus others!
Each of these FULL home study courses are step by step systems that will help you to completely transform your limiting beliefs and unconscious blocks, shift your mindset, raise your vibration, up-level your energy, put new practices into practice, apply yourself in all new ways and completely transform your life from the inside out.
Each FULL course alone is valued at over $1,100 each! And yet they are ALL included in this Lightworker Sacred Mentorship.
The full value. is beyond measure.
You’ll Get Access to our Private Community Of Incredible, High-Vibe, High-Consciousness
Spiritual Seekers And Fellow Lightworkers
Connection with inspiring like-minded people all over the world in our private mastermind community. You will form lasting friendships and lifetime bonds with members of this supportive, loving, kind, caring, conscious community.
In addition, there will also be fun group activities, entertaining gatherings, and consciousness shifting practices into the unknown that will facilitate the group in building stronger community, while encouraging you to become your highest ideal version of yourself.
All together, our group calls and home study courses will keep you on track so you can break through your blocks and glass ceilings that come up as you are growing and progressing.
With Lightworker Sacred Mentorship, you will get the direct, one on one support you really need and deserve.
So you can finally breakthrough your own self imposed limitations and realize your potential!
Lightworker Sacred Mentorship is a comprehensive online training mentorship and course that teaches practical strategies, including energy shifting tools and mindset downloads to every day spiritual seekers like you who want to up-level their personal being-ness and life.
Whether you’re brand new to spiritual and metaphysical practices or if you are a seasoned healer, reader or practitioner of any kind, you will absolutely LOVe Lightworker Sacred Mentorship, because it will truly empower you and help you to grow, in addition to helping you help others in your world too!
Raise your vibration, shift your mindset, UP~grade your energy field and make your dreams come true!
Join Us Today!
Yes! I AM Ready!
It’s Time To Fall In Love With Your Life.

Lightworker Sacred. Mentorship Will Help You To Raise Your Vibration, Shift Your Mindset, UP~Grade Your Energy Field, And Make Your Dreams Come True!
What makes me qualified and what gives me the right to teach you about this transformational healing and energy shifting consciousness life CHANGING info and high~vibe~high~consciousness intel?
I have been using these tools and practices for the better part of my life and I have learned first hand how extremely effective they are.
I am living proof that they work.
And it doesn’t matter who you are or what your background is,because they work for everyone. Period.
I know, because I have helped thousands and thousands of people and animals too!) by utilizing and applying these exact same tips, tools, practices, applications, principles, downloads, activations and energy.
And let me say this too: It is so so so so important for you to understand why this is such an incredible opportunity….
The fact is, there are not many every day masters who are walking the earth who really understand the how the Laws of The Universe, energy and consciousness work, and how to apply it to every day life in a grounded way….
Most of those people live in some kind of Monastery in some remote part of the world or else in some Ashram in India…
But I have spent and entire lifetime dedicated to my spiritual journey, while living in the everyday world. And while I have studied and discipled myself to many real living masters, I have also applied the lessons and teachings and practices to my daily life and I have seen them transform my reality.
Now, after so many years of practical application for myself and my students and clients, I am 100% Certain: Lightworker Sacred Mentorship IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to transform your experience and become the person you have. always wanted to be:
Authentically True
Authentically You
Please trust me when I say: this is a rare and special opportunity!
Lightworker Sacred Mentorship is the absolute BEST way to do this kind of transformational work with me since it combines the full on line courses with the live group coaching, healing and mentorship calls plus the bonus LIVE group community interaction.
What could be better than that? I will be right by your side while you embrace and integrate these life changing concepts, mindsets, energy shifts and transformation…..PLUS a community of vibrant, dedicated, high-vibe spiritual seekers who are also immersing themselves into the content right along with you….
Don’t put off your future self any longer! Become the person you were. always meant to become, NOW! Now is the time.
I will help you.
I will show you.
Join Us Today!
I AM Ready!
Invest In Yourself And The Quality of Your Life:
You Really Are Worth It

Connect With Likeminded Lightworkers, Healers, Intuitives,
Spiritually Minded Animal Lovers, And Awakening Beings
In addition, Lightworker Sacred Mentorship is also designed to support each participant on a multi~dimensional level, in the non physical realm, assisting with your awakening and anchoring new levels of consciousness and Light, even while you are not actively participating on a call or in the course or community.
That’s because the energy and consciousness and benevolent beings of LOVe in the non physical realms are always with us! They are here for us, guiding us and supporting us and helping us from the. non physical realms.
It’s true! Our Lightworker Sacred Mentorship has a team of benevolent beings of Love and Light in the non physical who are always helping us!
So you get EXTRA BONUS of wowza! High~Vibe Energy in the non physical, always there for you!
Event participants always experience profound shifts in their life during and after working with me.
Your external reality will dramatically improve as you integrate more of your Higher Self and align you more fully with Divine Flow.
I will show you how!
Register and join us today!
As soon as you register and join us, you’ll unlock instant access to training videos, resources & worksheets.
You will be able to study at your own unique pace and in your own unique divine timing…
And we will meet up in our community membership portal and during our next live call.
I simply can’t wait to see YOU then and there!
Join us!
I AM Ready!
Lightworker Sacred Mentorship Will Help You
Do, Be Have, Heal, Resolve, Achieve, Experience Whatever Your Soul Desires.

All It Takes Is For You To Come Into Alignment With Your Original Divine Source.
Here’s What Your Lightworker Sacred Mentorship Includes:
Live Coaching
Home Study CoursesYou’ll receive access to incredible high value, rich-in-content, extremely progressive home study courses which will be continually refreshed each month so you’ll always be enjoying an enriching experience as you study at your own pace. Each course has different themes that you’ll apply in your life as you up~level, expand, elevate and truly do ~ be ~ have ~ heal ~ resolve ~ achieve ~ experience all that your soul truly desires. Some of the courses include:
CommunityYou are not alone! You won’t have to navigate this journey alone. You get the support you need and the community you crave and desire. Our private Facebook group community will allow us to all interact in between live classes and collaborate and get support with and from one another in this high vibration, light~love filled, conscious. community so you connect with other heart centered, passionate, vibrant, ambitious courageous, fellow seekers just like you. Together our community will continually support one another and grow together as. we all expand, up level and align with the divinity within each and everyone of us. |
Lightworker Sacred Mentorship Is For You..
Hold My Space: $496

Now Is The Time For You To Allow Yourself To Move Forward In A BIG Way.
Simply Put, You Will Never Be The Same Again.
With deep love and divine excitement, enthusiasm and eager anticipation,
I look forward to having YOU join us.
Choose A Plan That’s Right For You And Join Us Today!
Most Flexible
6 Monthly Payments
Easy & Graceful
3 Monthly Payments
(Save $235)
Best Value
1 Payment
(Save $385)
Refund Policy
Please note that because of the event and retreat planning process, we are not able to offer refunds. We request and require you to purchase travel insurance so that in the event of a cancellation, you will be eligible for a refund. For our standard refund policy, please read here.