How To Prepare For Your Live Event
How To Prepare For Live Events

Thank you for registering!
The specific tele-class ~ webinar information will be sent to you via email the week of the live event and again on the day of the event as a reminder.
First and foremost, please set your intention now that you will receive the maximum benefits which are for your most benevolent best by participating in this event and also for the most benevolent best of all concerned, with harm to none.
Group notifications with specific call access information go out to the entire group on this schedule:
- The Sunday before the event
- The day before the event
- The mid-afternoon on the day of the event
- The hour before the event begins
- 10 minutes before the event begins
Our sending company tracks the sends, and also the email addresses the notifications go to (which is the email address you used to register) and we can trace it so we know that the notices do make it to registrants’ mailbox.
After that, we have no control over what your email service provider does with it – typically when a registered participant can’t seem to locate the call access notice which our service did indeed send, it means that their email service provider has deposited the notice into one of the following sub folders in their account:
- Spam
- Trash
- Junk
- Promotions (this is true especially with gmail and yahoo and international accounts)
That means you must do a search for the email notifications we are sending you, which correspond to the days and times of the call access notices, to be sure you get them.
To do this, simply find the search bar in your email account and search for ALL notices from and and then STAR mark the emails (ie, RED FLAG them) so you are sure to get the notifications.
A star will indicate that the emails from Lori’s email address are important, so when they come through, you will be able to receive them.
Also please remember, our notices will go to the email address you registered for the call with; so be sure you are checking in the same account.
This way you will be sure to receive it properly.
NOTE: You MUST be on Lori’s newsletter list to get the notices, so also just as long as you never unsubscribed from the list, you will get the notices just fine.
Please also note the following:
1. If you think you may be missing an email or call access, please first check your spam, trash, promotions and junk boxes to be sure that the emails are not sitting in there – we send everything to the entire list of class participants all at once so that everyone gets everything.
2. This event and call information is private ~ for registered attendees only and is not for unauthorized sharing. Please treat it as sacred and with respect and honor. Part of being an awakened being is acting with integrity in the new 5D reality, and that includes keeping sacred what is sacred and not participating in unauthorized sharing. This is universal law in the new paradigm. All fair energy must and will be honored. If a fair energy exchange is not provided, by Universal Law, there will be a debt. This is not good for anyone. Please do not share the call access information or the call recordings with anyone.
3. As always, any energy and/or healing during the call will be LIVE and just as effective in delayed playback for officially registered participants only. You do not have to be present on the call to receive the benefits because the benevolent beings in the higher realms we work with are beyond the limitations of time and space – they are omnipresent; though it is recommended.
4. All calls will be recorded for delayed and repeat listening. You can access the recording through the webinar link that is provided below. You do not have to wait for the replay; it will be active and available to you immediately following the completion of the live call. You will also be able to download it onto your electronic device so you can own it…just be sure to do so RIGHT AWAY because we do not store this content on our website and after the initial week, the content will no longer be active via internet.
We do not re-send call recordings or links. Requests for additional sends require an additional administrative fee of $40 per recording for administrative time and energy.
5. Prepare for a fun and fabulous event!
I am looking forward to connecting with you and sharing this amazing, wonderful and life changing information and powerful energy healing! I know it will be truly transformational for you!