The Awakened, Elevated Human Podcast is tailored for all of you Divine, Beauty-FULL, MAGNIFICENT, Heart~Centered, Mission Driven Divine Godesses, Light Leaders, Visionaries who like you who want to transform your life and come into alignment with your most benevolent best journey while making a truly MAGNIFICENT global impact!

Ready for a journey of higher consciousness and soul-centered success?

Join me, your host Lori Ann Spagna, on the Awakened, Elevated Human podcast ~ a space where we dive deep into intuitive guidance, metaphysical tools, energy work, trauma healing, higher consciousness, and the magic and miracles from higher consciousness and the non-physical realms.

Get ready for highly progressive intuitive guidance and grounded wisdom ~ The Awakened, Elevated Human Podcast will be your go-to resource for learning, growing, elevating, expanding and becoming more of the true magnificent best version of you!

Whether you’ve been listening since day one, or you just discovered the podcast, you’ll find that these episodes will raise your vibration, transform your life and elevate your consciousness ~ all in the most benevolent best ways possible!

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20: Who Do You Want To Be?

20: Who Do You Want To Be?

Do you feel like society defines who you are and tired of being boxed in by labels?In this episode, Lori emphasize the importance of recognizing our oneness with the source and understanding that self-improvement ultimately leads to spiritual growth. She encourages...

14: Sacred Feminine Energy and Sacred Masculine Energy

14: Sacred Feminine Energy and Sacred Masculine Energy

Looking to level up your conscious living and relationships?Masculine energy is not limited by gender. It's about action, intention, and force. ⚖️ Balance is key! 'Understanding, accepting, and allowing are the cornerstones of harnessing the power of...

12: A Better Version Of You

12: A Better Version Of You

Ready to become a better version of yourself? 🌟In this podcast episode, Lori explores the journey to self-improvement, advocating for a shift from fear-driven self-centeredness to inclusive self-responsibility. She emphasizes inner reflection and confronting...

11: New Paradigm Alignment: Old Paradigm 3D Vs. New Paradigm 5D

11: New Paradigm Alignment: Old Paradigm 3D Vs. New Paradigm 5D

Curious about the old paradigm vs. the new paradigm?In this enlightening episode, Lori delves into the profound transition from the old paradigm to the new, underscoring the pivotal shift in individual consciousness. She passionately delineates the old paradigm...

10 – Developing Your Intuition

10 – Developing Your Intuition

Have you ever experienced a moment of pure intuition?In the latest episode of 'Awakened Elevated Human', host Laurie España delves into the profound realm of divine intuition and extraordinary potential. She passionately discusses the science behind intuition and...

9: Working with Your Higher Self

9: Working with Your Higher Self

Are you ready to awaken to your elevated self? In this podcast episode, Lori delves into the concept of the higher self, portraying it as a genderless and boundless aspect of consciousness beyond our physical existence. They discuss its ability to offer guidance and...

8: How We Create and Miscreate (and What To Do About It)

8: How We Create and Miscreate (and What To Do About It)

What intricate process shapes our lives? Lori delves into the nuances of human creation and miscreation, highlighting the significance of understanding our creative power. Focused on dispelling misconceptions, she particularly explores the victim-victimizer...

7: Divine Certainty

7: Divine Certainty

💡 Are you ready to shift your mindset and embrace divine knowing? Lori discusses divine certainty, contrasting it with belief and knowing. Belief arises from uncertainty, operating on a mental level, while true certainty stems from beyond, accessing higher...

5 – The Keys To Your Massive Transformation In The Year Ahead

5 – The Keys To Your Massive Transformation In The Year Ahead

In this new episode, host Lori provides an overview of how to facilitate personal transformation in the year ahead. Guiding listeners through five fundamental aspects that need mastering: the mental plane, the emotional plane, the energetic plane (one's energy field),...

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Hundreds of thousands of people around the globe listen to The Awakened, Elevated Human podcast every week!  Together, we are ELEVATING and EXPANDING our consciousness, raising our vibration, and learning to ALIGN with our Source, The INFINITE all that is, as we use ENERGY, CONSCIOUSNESS and Metaphysical Tools to become the most MAGNIFICENT BEST versions of ourselves, plus make global IMPACT and positive contribution to humanity!  Please join us!


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