Refund Policy

I always deliver the highest and best service, consciousness and gifts I possibly can.  I am committed to excellence.  I always do my absolute highest and best. This I know about myself.

I am also committed to integrity and honoring the true Laws of The Universe, particularly as they relate to fair energy exchange.

My time, energy and lifetime of learning, knowledge, wisdom and personal commitment and dedication to my service and spiritual mission is valuable to me.  It comes through and is delivered via every seminar, workshop and course I teach.  It is transmitted via every private session I schedule and every group event I lead.

In addition, I don’t do business in the old 3D way.  I do business based on an expanded consciousness which is rooted in the Universal Law of Fair Energy Exchange and honoring of agreements and commitments.

I honor my agreement and commitment to deliver my absolute highest and best service and content, 100% of the time.

You honor your agreement and commitment to pay in full the fair energy exchange rate which is pre-agreed upon.

For this reason, I don’t offer refunds.

As a result of my very conscious policy, you do not become indebted and create lack, limitation, poverty or financial enslavement in your life by energetically stealing by way of refunds and/or by dishonoring the pre-agreements associated with fair energy exchange and I do not become resentful of delivering my best to people who are not grateful and honoring of my time, energy and lifetime of learning, knowledge, wisdom and personal commitment and dedication to my service and spiritual mission.

In this way, everyone wins.

IF for any reason there is a refund issued, there will be a $40 processing fee for our administrative time and energy and so I can properly pay my administrative support team for handling such requests.

Please also know that if for any reason your credit card or pay pal payment is declined due to insufficient funds or any other reason, we still get charged fees from those companies, equal to roughly 3% to 5%; we will pass those fees on to you in addition to any applicable admin fees, so that we can continue to stay in business and not suffer the penalties associated with declined payments, etc.  This also further motivates and inspires you to stay in your integrity with your own money and budgeting.

Please expand to receive the  gifts of this wisdom and expanded consciousness.

I honor you and I honor me too.

Sincere thanks!