Sacred Nameology
Sacred Nameology

Home Study Class ~ Learn At Your Own Pace
Home Study Classes With An Extra BONUS Home Study Q&A Class with Lori
This on line course includes 3 weeks of LIVE training and coaching via video course, a 3 week home study course via audio and a BONUS Q&A call designed to learn at your own pace and in your own timing. You will learn valuable and unique tools for using Sacred Nameology in this intensive, power-packed live and home study on line training course. You will also have fun, expand your consciousness, and experience deep and profound change, plus, others in your tribe will also benefit as you share your newfound learning with them too.
What Is Sacred Nameology?
Sacred Nameology is the spiritual and evolutionary perspective and significance of names including the organization and combinations of all the letters and all of the names within a full name as well as placement of the letters in a name.
When we utilize Sacred Nameology , it helps divulge how to interpret a name to know how a person thinks, feels and behaves.
From a Spiritual perspective, Sacred Nameology is the intuitive study of the energetics and vibrations of names and the intuitive, non scientific algorithms that create patterns of behaviors, attitudes, emotions and thoughts that manifest as real on the physical plane, ie, demonstrate who the person or animal or being is. (…and it works for locations and things too!)
How Can Sacred Nameology Help Me?
Did you know that you can know all kinds of information about a person, animal and even a geographical location/place simply by applying Nameology to their name? Did you know that you can also determine someone’s personality characteristics (including our animal companions) by the placement of the letters in their name?
Our names carry an energetic signature which is a vibrational match that creates, attracts, repels and even determines much of how our lives will unfold.
It is amazing that such little attention is placed on the significance and meaning of our names. Indeed, as a professional intuitive and energy healer, I know that I can know a huge amount about a person (and an animal) simply by tuning into the energetic frequency of the vibration of their name.
Studying and applying the information and insights of the energies associated with names will increase and amplify your intuitive gifts, talents and abilities and will also assist you to better navigate your life’s journey.

The Benefits of Sacred Nameology
During this three part class, you will learn about the hidden truth behind names. This course will provide an in-depth examination of the hidden meanings behind our names as well as how we can use this meaning to better understand and navigate our relationships and the people in our lives.
This beguiling class will also guide you through the illuminating intricacies of an ancient yet relatively unstudied system of divination. It will teach you how to apply the knowledge you gain to understand the human (and animal) psyche, personality and life journey of just about anyone you meet.
What Specific Kinds of Answers Can Sacred Nameology Provide for Me?
Here are some of the things you will learn and the answers you will receive when using and applying Nameology:
- Understand the meaning of a name and how a name influences a person’s character
- Discover how and why our names magnify and/or restrict aspects of our personalities
- Discover how and why our names why our names affect our culture and our lives
- Lean about the names which carry the attributes of charisma, personal power, inner confidence, leadership skills, career strength, sex appeal and other important attributes
- Discover how the meaning of names is intricately tied to the innate attributes and qualities you are meant to draw out of your personality
- Learn how names provide clues to your nature and your destiny
- Learn to work with your name to reveal and receive your greatest gifts, talents and abilities
- Learn what the dynamics of the soul’s agenda are based on assigned names and chosen names
- Learn what the variable differences are between first name, middle name, family names and chosen names
- Learn how to provide an accurate analysis of just about anyone’s personality (including animals!) based solely on their name
- Learn why there is more than just sound and alphabetical symbols to the language of a name
- Learn how the sounds of specific names evoke basic, energetic signatures which trigger cause and effect reactions
- Understand why the intuitive study of Sacred Names is unique and different from etymology (the history of names)
- Learn to analyze and understand other people’s temperaments based on the information and vibration of their name
- Learn how to practice, analyze and interpret the names of just about anyone
- Explore what the guidelines are for choosing correct names for name changes, new born babies and animal companions
- Develop and strengthen a deep inner awareness, confidence and comfort about your own self love and self worth
- Gain a deeper understanding of your soul’s divine mission and journey
- Understand how your name relates to your sacred agreements and contracts
- Get clarity on how and why the biggest challenges that you have faced and will face in your life so you can navigate them with ease and grace
- Learn how to reduce stress and avoid or eliminate both inner and outer conflict
- Realize how you can increase your energy, satisfaction and fulfillment as you learn to come into alignment and work with your true self
- Expand your visionary viewpoint of future events in your life related to your relationships, health, career and finances and more
- Experience the peace of mind of not having to worry about the journey of your life
- Cultivate deep, meaningful, compatible relationships that will nurture your soul
- Know when and who will be the right compatible, divine partner/soul mate/twin flame for you
- Ignite the passion within you so you can finally discover your life purpose and live your best life ever
- Learn about the energy of your name and how intimately energy is interwoven into the numbers as well as how that applies to all of Sacred Numerology
- Learn how to deal with and overcome negative energy
- Gain a deeper understanding of why you are here on planet earth, particularly during this period of time in history
- Clear, resolve and free yourself of your karmic debts
- See the why your personality and characteristics can actually assist you to never again need to question or doubt who you really are or what you’re meant to do

How and When to Use and Apply Sacred Nameology
- First and foremost, to deepen your connection and understand yourself better; discover aspects of yourself that you had previously not realized
- To understand others
- To deepen your relationships
- To help others understand themselves
- To avoid potential challenges before they even arise
- To navigate through challenging relationship issues
- To name your children and your animal companions
Basic Class Overview and Content
Below is the basic overview of the class content and general outline for the class agenda:
- Introduction
- The Definition of Sacred Nameology
- History & Background of Sacred Names
- How I Learned Names
- The Study of Names
- Understanding Energy: Energetics, Vibration and Frequencies
- The Benefits of Sacred Nameology
- How and When to Use and Apply Sacred Nameology
- Phonetics – The Intuitive Aspect of Sacred Nameology
- International Languages
- The First Name
- The Middle Name
- The Last Name
- The Married Name
- Nicknames & Chosen Names
- Animal Companions & Names
- The Positions:
- First Letters
- Middle Letters
- Final Letters
- The Complete Alphabet
- Vowels – Emotions
- Consonants – Attitudes
- Compatibility
- Letter Combos – The Key to Uncovering and Discovering
- Letters and Numbers
- Changing Names & The Effects of Changing Names
- Ethics & Integrity
- How to Discover the Power and Meaning in Your Name
- Analyzing Your Name
- Practice Exercises
- Famous People Names

Added Benefits of This Course
Through this course, you will also:
- Develop and strengthen a deep inner awareness, confidence and comfort about your own self love and self worth
- Gain a deeper understanding of your unique soul’s journey and mission through your ‘chosen’ name
- Understand the biggest challenges that you will come across in your life so you can navigate them with ease and grace
- Determine how to reduce stress and increase your energy, satisfaction and fulfillment by aligning with your soul’s unique mission as your name indicates
- Expand your visionary viewpoint of future events in your life related to your relationships, health, career and finances and more
- Experience the peace of mind of not having to worry about the journey of your life
- Cultivate deep, meaningful relationships with compatible names that will nurture your soul
- Gain clarity regarding right compatible, divine partner/soul mate/twin flame for you
- Ignite the passion within you so you can finally discover your life purpose and live your best life ever
- Discover more about yourself and others too!
- Learn to analyze and understand other people’s temperaments via Sacred Nameology
- Learn about the energy of your names and other people’s names too
- Gain a deeper understanding of why you are here on planet earth, particularly during this period of time in history
- See and understand what you never could see and understand before when it comes to your personality and characteristics so you never again have to question who you really are or what you’re meant to do!

What YOU Will Receive When YOU Register For This Course:
Here’s What You Will Receive When You Register For This FUN and Enlightening Course:
- 3 LIVE Video Classes with Lori with LIVE Coaching, Support and Q&A
- 3 Home Study Classes in audio mp3 Format
- Class Handouts, Home Study Documents
- FUN Practice Exercises
- Extra Bonus Materials
- All The full and rich content that you need to learn Sacred Nameology in the fastest, easiest, most fun, most enjoyable ways possible.
This course is for everyone and anyone. Whether you are brand new to the metaphysical and the esoteric, or whether you are a seasoned veteran healer, intuitive, reader or light worker, understanding and applying Sacred Nameology will provide a wealth of insight, guidance, support and assistance to you.
You will learn how to accurately learn about your life and the universe through the universal language of names. You will also learn how to use Sacred Nameology to help your friends and family, and even build a business as a Professional Nameologist if you choose to.
And, if you are a professional, this course will take your professional skills to the next level in a huge, profound and magnificent way!
Sacred Nameology Full Course
True Retail Value = $597
Regular Fair Energy Exchange = $497
Special Offer Rate = $444
Personal Nameology Reading From Lori
This will be a recorded reading of your full name; pre-recorded by Lori and sent to you via mp3.
*Special discounted offer rates cannot be combined with any other special offers, discounts or coupons. Advanced discounted tuition rates on classes are non refundable. Class tuition is transferable to other classes and workshops for a small transfer fee. For additional information on our refund policy, please click here.