Sacred Retreat ~ Lightworker Bootcamp

Transformational Sacred Healing Retreat
For Awakening Beings Everywhere
Fall In LOVE With Yourself, Your Life And All That Is…
Wednesday, January 25th ~ Sunday, January 29th, 2023
Optional Extension: Sunday January 29th ~ Monday, January 30th
4 days and 4 nights in Beauty~FULL Treasure Coast, FL
Optional Extension For Two Additional FUN Play Days
Cozy and intimate, real and authentic four day retreat in Southern Florida. Spend high quality time with Lori and a small group of truly dedicated participants in an intimate, yet fun, meditative, super high vibe atmosphere. This is an exclusive, very private retreat with a maximum of 15 participants will allow everyone to get the personalized one on one dedicated attention, direct coaching, support and energetic healing with Lori which will help you to address and resolve your core needs and most challenging issues.
Are you ready for an unforgettable week
of truly amazing transformation?

It is time for you to fully embrace the love that you are…
and really LIVE in the new reality… where you come to
experience the highest and best version of yourself.
This work is not for anyone who wants to remain the same…you will experience yourself and your reality opening up in ways that you could not have expected, beyond what you currently realize is possible for you.
You will come away with a fundamental, empowering, life-changing, transformational shift.
This is an opportunity to step into a new energetic paradigm, to walk through your own portal of Self Love and vibrate at an entirely new level of self awareness, cosmic connection and service to the world…this is an opportunity to up-level into the next, highest and best harmonic expression of your own self…
- Restore balance and harmony within
- Experience profound personal growth and transformation
- Connect with nature
- Immerse yourself in dynamic ritual
- Explore your inner emotional and spiritual landscape
- Align to your inner rhythm with a newfound sense of connection to Mother Earth ~ Gaia
- Renew your divine inspiration, deep gratitude and overall well-being
- Re-integrate your high self-soul self into your system
- Expand your life’s energy
- Shift your life
- Anchor into the new paradigm on earth, which is often referred to as The 5th Dimension
This is for those who are truly ready to step into
an entirely new vibration; The highest and most benevolent best version of their life.

Retreat from your life for a week
of personal transformation
This extended weekend retreat is designed to help participants delve even deeper into their unconscious, activate their heart center, access their core center and embody their light. The format is designed to truly challenge you to clear, heal and resolve your shadow aspects, master your energy, live your best life, command your reality and consciously co~create your true destiny.

Go beyond what you think is possible!
Join us on this journey where we will take a deep dive and huge leap into the unknown which will expand your consciousness, challenge you to become the highest and best version of yourself, elevate your knowing in what is truly possible for you, and provide you with the freedom to truly fall in love with yourself in a safe, supportive and healthy environment.

Connect with Likeminded Lightworkers, Starseeds,
Wayshowers, Healers, Intuitives and Spiritually
Minded Animal Lovers, and Awakening Beings
During this extended weekend, intensive retreat, you will learn all extremely progressive teachings, advanced practices and new meditations. You will receive radically progressive clearings, alignments and activations.
There will also be fun group activities, entertaining evening gatherings, and consciousness shifting adventures into the unknown that will facilitate the group in building stronger community, while encouraging you to become your highest ideal version of yourself.

Uncover, Heal and Resolve Those Blocks You Have
Been Trying to Heal and Resolve for Lifetimes
This will be an intimate gathering built on sacred trust, mutual support of sisterhood and brotherhood and deep connection through our heart centers.
As we connect and radiate love and light from our heart centers, we will invoke and invite in the guidance and support of the Divine to orchestrate the clearing, healing and resolution of our limitations, fear based programming, conscious and unconscious blocks…
Through this deep inner work, each participant will be and feel fully enriched and divinely guided by your own inner compass…as a result, your true embodiment and personal empowerment will reveal itself, enabling you to live the rich, full, authentic you that is awaiting.
This inner work consists of:
- Clearing layers of old, unconscious fears, anxieties, blocks, frustrations and/or limitations in all areas of life
- Healing and resolving traumas and dramas from this and other lifetimes
- Dissolving blocks, barriers and boundaries which might hold you back and/or keep you stuck, small or uncertain
- Reconnecting with your high- self/soul self and inner divine guidance
- Looking and listening to what your heart is asking of you
- Receiving consecutive intensive healing sessions and sacred activations
- Connecting with the expanse of the ocean, the mer-people and the nature kingdom
- Communing with the animal kingdom, the star family races, the galactics and the unseen non physical realms of Ascended Masters, Divine Goddesses, and benevolent beings in the non physical realm.

Go Deep and Reveal
Your True Innate Value and Worth
This is both an outer and an inner journey… into the layers of your Being, the unconscious areas of your consciousness…
The aspects of you that are seeking to be loved and understood…those aspects of you which need a voice, an expression and a healing…the aspects of you waiting to be unveiled…
The truth is, YOU are SO MUCH MORE AMAZING and have SO MUCH MORE value than you can possibly imagine. This adventure is about discovering and uncovering your hidden value and worth that is innately and irrevocably in you.
This retreat is also about finding the best ways to more fully express your unique talents, value, power, beauty, significance, love, joy and authenticity.
- Find and remove blocks that may be preventing you from being your FULL joyous self in everyday life
- Discover how unique and valuable you really are
- Realize your uniqueness and your significance
- Understand where you fit and how you are integral and essential to the whole of existence
- Embody your true self and your unique expression of you and your higher self
- Open new ways to live and express your true gifts, talents and abilities
- Cultivate confidence and motivation to truly follow your excitement at all times regardless of the outcome
- Open up, elevate, and clarify your body and being
- Make strong, deep and intimate connections within the group for lifetime friendships

Engage in Playful Adventures and Fun Activities
- Swim in the natural waters of Mother Earth ~ The Ocean
- Play on the beach and connect with The Nature Spirits
- Enjoy time swimming in the pool or ocean
- Melt into a percussion sound bath with Crystal Singing Bowls
- Participate in guided meditations and energy healings

Participate in Group Exercises,
Healings, Channeling and Discussions
- Build your tribe and community of loving, supportive friendships with like-minded individuals
- Participate in intimate group healing circles
- Engage in our moonlight magic sacred ritual and mediation
- Get the one-on-one support you need
- Receive the divine wisdom, guidance and coaching you have been longing for
- Join in Divine Changelings with the non physical beings of LOVE: Our Ascended Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones, Angels, Guides and Guardians from the non physical realm as well as our own Star Family Races

Enjoy High Quality Rest,
Relaxation and Integration
Get the rest, relaxation and Integration time you really need to make your spiritual progress and advance in your own personal evolution.
Have the time you have longed for and wished for to finally slow down, be still, rest and attune to your natural rhythm and frequency.
Find within you and around you the deep, intimate love and one-ness with The Divine you have been longing for during your entire existence.

Get the loving support, spiritual guidance and
divine assistance you have been longing for
- What is your soul ready to reveal to you?
- How deep is the love in your heart center?
- How can you more fully connect with your guidance and your divine team?
- How can you better receive, accept and allow the incoming higher frequency energies?
- Are you willing to embody your higher soul self?
- Do you have the courage to align with your god self?
Deep within you are layers and layers of consciousness and aspects of the heart that are ready to awaken from within you and emerge into the vibrancy of your being…
These dormant parts of you are ready to actualize in your life more fully, wholly and completely.
By being willing to peel back the layers of your egoic, personality self, you will reveal the Diamond, Crystalline layers of your inner most soulful self.
Finding the courage within you to reveal to yourself the highest truth of who you are and who you came here to be is the core mission of this sacred retreat.
Together, we will be clearing old, unconscious and residual blocks and shadow aspects which may be keeping you stuck in a fear based paradigm, ie, fearful, small or uncertain.
Through guided breath work, meditation, inner exploration, deep soul searching, Higher Guidance, DIVINE SOURCE energy healing and Sacred Activations, you will discover, reveal and embody your divinity.
In this fully supportive environment, you will access areas of yourself that need the time, the space, and clearing to emerge safely, un-rushed, and without distraction. You will relax and be nourished during this process of transformation.

Embody your higher self, activate the heart center
and fully, authentically express the divinity within you.
During this retreat you will engage in powerful energetic processes, making this a truly transformational experience.
It’s deep inner work that will lovingly and gently assist you to remove blocks and patterns that no longer serve you. This process will nurture your spirit and allow you to align and up level with ease, grace and benevolence.
- Clear patterns of negative self image and unworthiness including self denial, lack and limitation
- Clearly hear the whispers of your soul
- Anchor new patterns of Self Love, Self Honor, Self Care, Self Respect
- Connect to the Divine Within
- Shift your energy so you can make changes that will last
- Align your life to who you are at a soul level
- Tap into your innate wisdom and intuitive nature
- Integrate your intuitive connection
- Raise your vibration and elevate your frequency
- Receive deep and profound healing
- Get into harmony with the heartbeat of Mother Earth Gaia and the Universe
- Connect with like-minded inspiring people
- Be inspired to live and lead from the heart
- Gather the courage to life the life you chose to at a soul level
- Reset your fight/flight system so that you can see a world of opportunities rather than threats, stress and danger
- Learn how to light the world up with your unique presence
- Laugh, have fun and be supported by a roomful of amazing people
- Enjoy sacred space in a safe, loving and supportive environment

You will emerge from the week with pristine clarity,
refreshed at a deep level, and inspired by a newly
formed heart-body-mind connection as well as a
refined Union with Divine Love.
It’s only once a year that I hold a small intimate group event like this one.
This 4 day intensive is a fabulous and rare opportunity to work with me directly, live and in person inside of a relatively small group setting, so you can get the direct, one on one support you really need and deserve.
The focus for this particular retreat is twofold: First and foremost, to support each participant energetically and spiritually as you progress on your journey and Second: to work together on a multi~dimensional level, in the non physical realm, assisting with the unlocking of Gaia and Humanity and anchoring new levels of consciousness and Light, both personally, for the planet and beyond.
This intensive is a chance to really go deep and step into a new level of self awareness, personal growth, understanding and consciousness as you develop your own practices and also deepen your own connection with SOURCE and The Divinity Within YOU, as well. as UP~Level your core vibration!
Each intensive is unique, as the work depends upon who shows up. The specifics of the energetic work is always fully customized and specific to those who come. It’s super fun and empowering work.
There will be so much energetic upgrade combined with time for integration. This intensive is a powerhouse of multidimensional light and consciousness shifting energetics.
Event participants always experience profound shifts in their life after this type of event with me. Your external reality will dramatically improve as you integrate more of your Higher Self and align you more fully with Divine Flow. I will show. you how!

Flow of This Retreat
We will flow through each day with joy and magic of these wonderful activities and extras that will continue to be downloaded to me leading up to the retreat. There will also be plenty of energetic space for this flow to align.
Each day will include mediation, group processing, energy healing, crystalline activations, sacred key code activations, sacred ceremony and of course, time to relax, unwind, integrate and enjoy…all designed to assist you in stepping into alignment with the true divine, authentic expression of YOU.
Day 1 ~ Wednesday Evening
- 5pm ~ Arrive At Our Group Accommodation Location And Settle In
- 6pm ~ Group Gathers In The Kitchen ~ Dining ~ Den Area For Pot Luck Gathering
- 7pm ~ Welcome Circle Ceremony In Living Room Space
- 8pm ~ Sacred Ritual Healing Circle
- 10pmish ~ Evening Completes
Day 2 ~ Thursday
- 9am ~ 11am Breakfast on your own or in groups; Free Time
- 11am ~ 1pm: Morning Group Session
- 1pm ~ 3pm: Lunch & Free Time
- 3pm ~ 5pm: Afternoon Group Session
- 5pm ~ 7pm: Dinner & Free Time
- 7pm: Evening Activities; Sacred Ritual Circle: we will have an evening of sacred energy healing, meditation and teaching followed by group socializing, sacred sharing and fun. This particular evening will include a Sacred Fire Circle on the beach. The final hours of the evening we will enjoy Stargazing on the beach as we view the Florida night skies.
- 10pmish: Evening Completes
Day 3 ~ Friday
- 9am ~ 11am Breakfast on your own or in groups; Free Time
- 11am ~ 1pm: Morning Group Session
- 1pm ~ 3pm: Lunch & Free Time
- 3pm ~ 5pm: Afternoon Group Session
- 5pm ~ 7pm: Dinner & Free Time
- 7pm: Evening Activities; Sacred Ritual Circle: we will have an evening of sacred energy healing, meditation and teaching followed by group socializing, sacred sharing and fun. This particular evening will include a Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath. The final hours of the evening we will enjoy Stargazing on the beach as we view the Florida night skies.
10pmish: Evening Completes
Day 4 ~ Saturday
- 9am ~ 11am Breakfast on your own or in groups; Free Time
- 11am ~ 1pm: Morning Group Session
- 1pm ~ 3pm: Lunch & Free Time
- 3pm ~ 5pm: Afternoon Group Session
- 5pm ~ 7pm: Dinner & Free Time
- 7pm: Evening Activities; Sacred Ritual Circle: we will have an evening of sacred energy healing, meditation and teaching followed by group socializing, sacred sharing and fun. The final hours of the evening we will enjoy Stargazing on the beach as we view the Florida night skies.
10pmish: Evening Completes
Day 4 ~ Sunday
Retreat Concludes
Optional Extra Stay for FUN and Friendship and Post Event Support
- 9am ~ Photo Ops, Final Fond Farewells, Retreat Concludes
- 11am ~ Depart Xanadu Retreat Location; Free Time
- 2pm ~ Those Staying For The Extension Meet Up For Group Excursion and Lunch
- 4pm ~ Free Time
- 5pm ~ Group Dinner: Schooners
- 7pm ~ Flat Bottom Boat Ride Around Jupiter Inlet And Light House
- 9pm ~ Evening Concludes
Day 5 ~ Monday
Optional Extra Stay for FUN and Friendship and Post Event Support
- 9am ~ Breakfast On Your Own Or With Group Members
- 10am ~ Break Time For Integration
- 11am ~ Meet Up For Group Excursion: Afternoon At Johnathan Dickinson State Park
- 5pm ~ Free Time
- 7pm ~ Group Dinner: Tommy Bahamas, Jupiter, FL
- 9pm ~ Final Farewells, Retreat Extension Concludes
Please note: the optional extension does NOT include accommodations. Extension participants are responsible for their own accommodations. This extended day is simply to take time to integrate, relax and. enjoy and have fun in our Sacred Community, as well as move slowly and ask any follow up support in the absence of any formal event agenda.
Location and Accommodations

Our Group Location
Our group event will be located in the beauty-FULL Treasure Coast of Florida has been labeled “America’s Happiest Seaside City” (Coastal Living Magazine national award winner)
Our daily meeting location is in a beautiful, private home directly the beach, and nearby plenty of restaurants, shops, grocery stores and anything else you might need or want, as well as local tourist attractions.
The exact location of our event is in Jensen Beach, FL, which is less than an hour away from Palm Beach International Airport, and at the same time, safely isolated and worlds away from the rest of society. Ours is an ideal spot for the perfect sacred healing transformational retreat.
Group accommodations are now sold out. You may still join us and stay in any nearby hotel or vacation rental. We can help you with this upon request.
Airport and Transportation Information
The best airport to use is either Palm Beach International Airport (approximately 30 miles from our group meeting location) or else Fort Lauderdale – Hollywood International Airport (approximately 60 miles from our meeting location). From either airport, you can use a hotel shuttle, a taxi or an Uber or a car rental to get to our group event location.

Invest In Yourself and
The Quality of Your Life: You Really Are Worth It
What’s Included:
Here’s what’s included in this 5 day, 4 night Sacred Retreat:
All group activities, including, but not limited to:
- All sacred activations
- All light attunements
- All energy healing and energetic support
- All meditations
- All sacred rituals
- All divine guidance and intuitive support
- All channeled sessions
- All healings
- Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath
- Fire Ceremony on the beach
- All activities at our private, exclusive, beach front luxury accommodations
What’s Not Included:
Here’s what’s not included in this Sacred Retreat:
- Your travel expenses
- Accommodations
- Your food
- Outings / Excursion Fees
- Your extra expenditures
- Travel insurance (REQUIRED)
Hold My Space: $496

Now is the time for you to allow yourself to move
forward and unfold in a BIG way. This retreat is FOR
you. Simply put, you will never be the same again.
This is a high value, intentional, purposeful, luxury based expanded retreat.
Tune into your heart….If it feels exciting, fun, joyful, abundant, intriguing, inviting, magical, expansive and activating then take a breath and ask your heart “Am I meant to be on this journey?”
Your heart and your inner guidance will always give you the answer. If you are guided and Spirit brings us together in the physical form, please know that I am immensely excited for us to meet, unite, play, grow and heal together as we progress and evolve along this journey together.
This is the alchemy of magic at its best and I am so excited to guide you through this journey of pure creative expansion and soulful alignment.
With deep love and divine excitement, enthusiasm and eager anticipation,
I look forward to having YOU join us.
Registration Is Now CLOSED ~ Contact Our Office For Wait List Availability
Hold My Spot ~ Registration Window Closes on January 7th
Final Payment Due By December 1st
Deposit to Hold Your Spot = $757
Final Payment Payment = $797
Full Retreat Payment ~ Registration Window Closes on January 7th
Full Payment = $1,444
Additional Stay Through Monday, January 30th = $333
Volunteer Scholarship Opportunities
We offer a limited number of Volunteer Scholarship Opportunities on each of our Sacred Retreats for qualified candidates as space permits. Scholarship Opportunities do require service and contribution as well as covering all of your own expenses ~ they are not free rides.
Bar none, the most important requirement for a volunteer scholarship opportunity is the humble desire to serve. Not only is it not a free ride, it is also not for self promotion or selling.
At this time most of our volunteers typically come from the inner circles of previous retreat participants.
To find out if you qualify for a Volunteer Scholarship Opportunity, click here.
Refund Policy
Please note that because of the event and retreat planning process, we are not able to offer refunds. We request and require you to purchase travel insurance so that in the event of a cancellation, you will be eligible for a refund. For our standard refund policy, please read here.