Sacred Sedona Retreat

Sacred Sedona Retreat

Sacred Sedona Retreat for Awakening Divine BE-ings Everywhere

One Week of Expansion in the Magnificent, 
Sacred Red Rocks and Vortex Energy of Sedona, AZ


Welcome Beloved Awakening Brothers and Sisters

Awaken Your Consciousness
Activate Your Core Pillar

Realign Your Morpho~Genetic Energy Field

Illuminate Your Lightbody
UP~Level Your Awareness Frequency

This Sacred Sedona journey awaits you…in the very holy and sacred lands of Sedona, AZ there are Vortexes of Energy and DEEP, underground, there exists an energetic grid system connecting all of the major earth chakras.

Sacred Sedona is endless awe-inspiring vistas, extra-ordinary views, sacred hot spots, breathtaking cliffs and seemingly endless ranges of holy land. Within these mountain ranges and their whispering winds are the holy ancestors, rock and granite people, tree people, nature spirits.

Sedona literally represents Mother Earth’s GIFT to humanity’s CONSCIOUSNESS journey ~ the land literally holds the invitation for all visitors and seekers to open our hearts and souls as we come into alignment with our divinity as part of our divine birth right.

Embark on a Different Kind of Spiritual Journey

Sacred Sedona Retreat Overview

This retreat is designed to serve multiple purposes for each participant along your journey.

First and foremost, it is designed as a DEEP Processing Retreat, specifically for those looking to do the deep inner work required for true transformation.

For those who truly desire to do the DEEP DIVE into your own unconscious, to clear, heal and resolve the old mental, emotional, physical, energetic and spiritual debris and clutter that has been interfering or weighing you down or entangling you in the old 3D paradigm ~ by doing this DEEP DIVE, and inner processing, ultimately allowing more of your DIVINITY to be truly embodied and reflected in your external physical reality.

This means that you will be receiving tons of individual support, guidance, healing, insight and channelled information, uniquely tailored to your needs as you embody your FULL divinity, align with the new 5th Dimensional Paradigm and level UP to your next highest trajectory.

Second, this retreat is about Sacred Community for Lightworkers, Starseeds and Awakening Beings everywhere.

As we work and heal together, we will also play and enjoy our sacred communion and connections together. We will be spending the majority of our time together, in sacred circles, and also eating, walking, connecting in nature as we reflect and enjoy our sister and brother hood.

Third, this retreat is about connecting with Sacred Sedona. On these ancient Sedona lands, there are vortex energies which facilitate healing and transformation for all souls, as well as Mother Earth ~ Gaia ~ Sophia.

The various mountain peaks and valleys also contain various openings which are also portals that are like dimensional doorways within and through time ~ space ~ reality….

There are supernatural mineral formations and crystals within the mountain rocks as well as rich iron sands, all of which ignite with the surrounding energy vortexes and radiate streams of ultra luminescent energies and frequencies, all of which provide transformational, life enhancing radiance to support and assist the awakening of our inner God LIGHT.

By attending the Sacred Sedona Retreat, you will be uniting with Sister Sedona and her sacred vortexes as you are lovingly guided and supported throughout the entire Sacred Sedona Retreat, so that you are free and safe to awaken and embody the true Divine Source Love ~ Light which exists within you.


Sacred Sedona Retreat Mission and Purpose

The overall mission and purpose of this retreat is personal and collective healing and transformation.

Because of Sistar Sedona’s gift to Gaia and the whole of HUmanity, we have an incredible opportunity to ignite these same vortex energies and vortexes of consciousness within our body~being, morpho-genetic field.

Our time together will be focused on creating a safe, gentle and loving personal and group experience where we can address our personal energetic densities, revolve our perceived blocks, process our issues related to separation and our old 3D paradigm, go really deep into our perceived limitations and ultimately, successfully solve and resolve whatever challenges we may be facing, both individually and collectively.

Our Sacred Sedona Retreat mission and purpose will be designed to facilitate and clarify what our next appropriate steps are with regard to our personal spiritual evolution as well as the collective evolution.

More About Sacred Sedona

In addition to the vortexes in Sedona, there are also rich mineral deposits and piezoelectric crystals within Sedona’s Massive Red Rock formations. These piezoelectric crystals and mineral deposits connect deep underground and in the Red Rock infrastructure, further assisting Spiritually Awakening Beings to activate more of our Lightbodies and inner consciousness.

Between the Sacred Vortex energy and the massive Red Rocks and the piezoelectric crystals, Sedona packs a gargantuan amount of ENORMOUSLY POTENT HIGH FREQUENCY energy to MASSIVELY UP~Level YOU, your consciousness, Your Frequency and YOUR LIGHT QUOTIENT, ultimately UP~leveling YOU to your highest harmonic.

Unifying with The Sacred Red Rocks

Surpassing All Expectations

Who This Retreat Is For

Everyone is invited to this Sacred Retreat! All are welcome on this retreat, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey!

That said, this retreat is specifically designed for those who:

  • Desire a space for deep inner processing and true transformation of their shadow into Light
  • Choose to massively UP~level and align with The New 5th Dimensional Paradigm (and beyond)
  • Choose to transform and transcend all fear based beliefs, belief systems, programs, unconscious blocks and resistances
  • Desire and choose a more conscious and personal relationship with their own Divinity, Higher Self, and Divine SOURCE
  • Are looking for SACRED COMMUNITY and COMMUNION with other radically advanced awakening beings
  • Enjoy the positive UP~Lift-ment which comes with SACRED UNION and COMMUNION in Sacred Circles
  • Desire to learn high frequency tools, techniques, ritual and wisdom which will truly assist in breaking free of the old 3rd Dimensional programming which has prevented us from experiencing our divinity and aligning with our purpose.
  • Enjoy travel and play and connection with Mother Earth ~ Gaia ~ Sophia and her Sacred Site of Sister Sedona
  • Have a true and real heart felt desire to learn, grow, expand, up-level and evolve into more of the DIVINE ONE-ness and LOVE that we all truly are!

Retreat Activities

Sacred Circles

The foundation of our daily group activities will be conducted in our SAFE Sacred Circles, where each participant will be lovingly supported in safe and loving circle to do the deep dive of self exploration to lead to the break-through and ultimate transformation of your experience.

Divine Embodiment Activations

Each evening will be filled with divine embodiment activations for individuals and also for the group, as we are divinely guided for the positive up-lift-ment of all. You will receive, experience and share in a plethora of healing transmissions to open the light pathways in your core pillar so that you are able to embody your true Divine Self.

Sacred Ritual

During our retreat, you will be learning and participating in ancient rituals as you are lovingly guided through the various initiations to once again awaken and embody the true light within you.

Divine Channeling

As Lori is a multi-dimensional channel for beings and consciousness from dimensions beyond 5th Dimensional Frequency, each night will be filled with Divine Channelling for the individuals in the group as well as for the sub-collective of our group, so that all beings will be divinely supported and uplifted via the information, energy and consciousness to assist each and every participant during our journey and along our Ascension path.

Direct Downloads

Intense direct downloads are one of THE FASTEST and MOST EFFECTIVE ways to address, heal, resolve issues as well as to complete unresolved karmic issues, soul and ancestral issues and claim lessons learned, done and complete so that we never have to repeat them again and can finally step off the karmic wheel.

Support for Your Deep Processing

You will be provided with direct, loving support and guidance as you do the deep dives and inner search for your own understanding, truth, resolution and alignment. Through the mirroring and reflective support, you will uncover and discover the solutions and higher awarenesses that you are seeking.

Sacred Activations and Attunements

Throughout our journey, there will be personal and group activation treatments as we are divinely guided and according to the needs of each individual within the group. These activations will also be amplified by the land and the guardians of the powerful vortexes.

Divine Initiations

Experience Divine Initiations to further awaken your Lightbody and to help support you as carry and embody your light and share it with the members of your community and the world

Connect with Other Starseeds, Lightworkers,
Way-Showers, Change-Agents and Star Family Members

Retreat Extra Benefits

Gathering of Sacred Community

As humanity wakes up, we realize more and more how much we need one another and how much we need one another through our circles of Sacred Community. This week will allow us to create and experience lifetime friendships and bonds that go far deeper ~ to the depths of our heart center and the core of our being~ness.

Merging with The Powerful Energy Sedona Vortexes

The vortexes of Sedona are world known for assisting humanity to awaken and for amplifying and magnifying Spiritual Awakening and transformation.

They also hold keys to aligning us with our unique (and different) paths along our journey through their frequencies and activations.

As we intentionally surround ourselves and consciously work with these whirling energy centers, the unique frequencies that any individual requires to move further into spiritual alignment are enacted.

Unifying With Gaia Sophia,, The Nature Realms and The Elemental Kingdoms

The awe-inspiring Red Rocks of Sedona are the landscape and home to flowing sacred waters, streams, rivers and creeks, where wildlife abounds, including soaring eagles and hawks, majestic wildlife of multiple members of the Animal Kingdom, the Ancestors, as well Dragons and Dragon Tribes, including others from the Mystical Magical Realms, as many from the ancient mystery schools.

Sacred Grid Work

Expand and Intensify The Sacred Vortex Grid Work in Sedona Sacred Locations ~ Participate in Sacred Grid Work and Energy Healing Circle and learn all about Sacred Grid Work

Stargazing in Sedona

Known as one of THE TOP stargazing locations in the world, Sedona provides a black out experience each nite, allowing us a spectacular Sedona stargazing experience as we to take a tour of the universe during each evening’s nite sky.

Connecting with Various Star Family Races

The evening night sky in Sedona is world famous for some of the highest density of Star Ships and Star Family Races anywhere. The evening sky is light up only by the black out quality which creates some of the greatest night sky viewing anywhere on Mother Earth.

Heart Centered Revelations

Sedona’s Frequency and Resonance naturally provides high heart awakenings and third eye activations via the stillness of her own sacred agreement for and with humanity ~ being here will create an opening of your field to connect and align with bridge of Heaven and Earth.

World Class Spa Services

During our time together, we will experience wold class spa treatments in some of the most luxurious spa services and holistic pampering to further enrich your stay and assist your spiritual, energetic, physical, emotional and mental bodies the integration of high frequencies.
Daily Gourmet Organic Healthy Meals.

Additional Retreat Activities

 Other Topic Areas to Be Explored and Addressed During Our Sacred Circles, Rituals and Meditations

  • Connecting with the wisdom of your spirit guides, masters, teachers, loved one and your own Higher – Inner – Sacred Self and accessing, receiving and following your inner divine guidance.
  • Practicing ongoing self love, self honor and self care and creating personal Sacred ritual and routine to assist you with embodying the love within you.
  • Meditation and Ritual of Forgiveness so you can entirely make peace within so you can live in peace and harmony.
  • Providing Karma Clearing & Energetic Cord-Cutting, including working with your Sacred Contracts so you can break free of those old patterns once and for all.
  • Opening The Heart Center and Removing Heart Walls and Blocks to Divine Love ~ we’ll be opening the heart so that love can flow freely and fully in through and around you.
  • Clearing the Stickiest Stuff Ever and Belief System Block-Busting ~ we will clear, hear, resolve and removing the sickest stuff ever, as well as the belief systems, blocks and barriers that have been keeping you stuck and unhappy and holding you back.
  • Receive Emotional Healing time so you can say goodbye to all of that emotional baggage once and for all.
  • Angelic Clearings, Galactic Shamans, Star Family Members, Spirit Doctor Team and Benevolent Beings of Healing from The Non Physical Realm will be joining us though our sacred healing journey.
  • Sound Healing Baths ~ We will be rejuvenating the body, mind, and spirit with sacred sounds of Source energy, crystalline harmonics and crystal singing bowls.
  • Enjoy Energy Balancing time to provide you with tools to stay vibrant, balanced, healthy and in the flow
  • As always, our animals, friends, family lineage members and loved ones will also be included (remotely) during our sacred healing journey.

Experience Endless Adventure and Soul Family
Community During Our Sacred Sedona Retreat!

Retreat Extra Curricular Activities and Excursions

Below are some of the optional extra curricular activities you will experience during this Sacred Retreat:

  • Sunrise Meditations on Canyon Vistas
  • Medicine Wheel
  • Labyrinth Walk
  • Chapel of the Holy Cross
  • Amitabh Stupa and Peace Park
  • Tlaquepaque Arts & Shopping Village
  • Chocolate Organic Eatery
  • Cathedral Rock
  • Bell Rock
  • Crystal Singing Bowl Meditations
  • Stargazing Nite Sky Arizona

For those staying for the Optional Extension, you will also experience these optional extra curricular activities:

  • Hot Air Ballooning
  • Sacred Vortex Tour
  • UFO Tour
  • Grasshopper Point Swimming & Picnic Area
  • Slide Rock
  • Oak Creek Canyon
  • Crescent Moon Picnic Site
  • Buddha Beach
  • Stargazing Nite Sky Arizona

Connect with Other Starseeds, Lightworkers,
Way-Showers, Change-Agents and Star Family Members

Retreat Itinerary

1st Day and Night ~ Thursday Evening

5pm ~ Arrival and Social Gathering Get To Know ONE~another Group Dinner
7pm ~ Sacred Circle Gathering, Opening Ceremony, Retreat Overview
10pm ~ Evening Completes

2nd Day and Night ~ Friday

8am ~ Breakfast on your own or with the group
10am ~ Morning Session Begins
1pm ~ Individual or Group Lunch
2pm ~ Break Time, Quiet Reflection, Personal Time
3pm ~ Afternoon Activities Begin
6pm ~ Individual or Group Dinner
7pm ~ Evening Connection, Communion & Healing Circle
10m ~ Evening Completes

3rd Day and Night ~ Saturday

8am ~ Breakfast on your own or with the group
10am ~ Group Excursion
1pm ~ Individual or Group Lunch
2pm ~ Break Time, Quiet Reflection, Personal Time
3pm ~ Afternoon Activities Begin
6pm ~ Individual or Group Dinner
7pm ~ Evening Connection, Communion & Healing Circle
10m ~ Evening Completes

4th Day and Night ~ Sunday

8am ~ Breakfast on your own or with the group
10am ~ Group Excursion
1pm ~ Individual or Group Lunch
2pm ~ Break Time, Quiet Reflection, Personal Time
3pm ~ Afternoon Activities Begin
6pm ~ Individual or Group Dinner
7pm ~ Evening Connection, Communion & Healing Circle
10m ~ Evening Completes

5th Day and Night ~ Monday

8am – 10am ~ Final Farewells for Those Departing and Not Staying on for the Optional Extra Stay Extension

Optional Extra Stay

5th Day and Night ~ Monday

10am ~ 12noon ~ Vortex Excursion Tour
1pm ~ Group Lunch
2pm ~ Break Time, Quiet Reflection, Personal Time
3pm ~ Afternoon Activities Begin
6pm ~ Group Dinner
7pm ~ Evening Connection, Communion & Healing Circle
10m ~ Evening Completes

6th Day and Night ~ Tuesday

6am ~ 12noon ~ Hot Air Balloon Ride Excursion
1pm ~ Group Lunch
2pm ~ Break Time, Quiet Reflection, Personal Time
3pm ~ Afternoon Activities Begin
6pm ~ Group Dinner
7pm ~ Evening Connection, Communion & Healing Circle
10m ~ Evening Completes

7th Day and Night ~ Wednesday

10am ~ 12noon ~ Grasshopper Point & Swimming Hole Excursion
1pm ~ Group Lunch
2pm ~ Break Time, Quiet Reflection, Personal Time
3pm ~ Afternoon Activities Begin
6pm ~ Group Dinner
7pm ~ Evening Connection, Communion & Healing Circle
10m ~ Evening Completes

8th Day ~ Thursday

8am – 10am ~ Final Farewells and Photo Opps

Hotel Accomadations Information

Each participant is required to reserve and pay for their own accommodations.

Keep in mind that Sedona is a very small city and even from the most Western end of Sedona, to the Uptown tourist center, to the farthest end of Village of Oak Creek (VOC) the driving distance is generally not longer than 30 minutes so just about anywhere in Sedona will be nearby.

There are many, many lovely hotels in the greater Sedona area.

Once you register, we provide a document with several options for finding your accommodations nearby.


Airport and Transportation Information

The following airports are closest to Sedona, AZ

  • Phoenix, AZ ~ Sky Harbor Airport (PHX) ~ Phoenix is the closest international airport, only 2.5 hours south of Sedona. It has offices to almost all major car rental companies. It is very easy, scenic and enjoyable drive to Sedona
  • Flagstaff Airport is the closest small commercial airport to Sedona, just a 40-minute drive, however, this small commercial airport will be significantly more expensive and will likely require a transfer/additional stop.
  • Sedona has a small, commercial airport, however, it is extremely expensive and it will require transfers/additional stops.


Included In This Retreat

What’s Included

  • All Group Sessions and Tutorials
  • All Group Healings, Downloads and Activations
  • All Group Meditations and Practices
  • All Group Discussions – space holding and frequency shifts as we accelerate our abundant potential together in group unity
  • Crystal Singing Bowl Musical Sound Bath
  • Candle Light Ceremonies and Sacred Energy healing
  • Local Transportation to the group activities via carpool
  • Snacks, Appetizers and Hor’d’oeuvres at our group gatherings
  • Freshly prepared, all natural, gourmet, organic, catered group dinners ~ as indicated
  • Everything you need to feel abundantly loved, valued, honored, accepted and appreciated during this Sacred Journey and

Not Included In This Retreat

What’s Not Included

  • What’s Not Included
  • Airfare and Flights To and From Sedona, Arizona
  • Transport to and from Sedona, Arizona
  • Lodging
  • Excursion Meals / Dine Out Meals
  • Extra Excursions
  • Travel Insurance
  • Private One on One Sessions
  • Extra Gifts and Souvenirs You Purchase for Yourself

Fair Energy Exchange for This Retreat

Energy Exchange

This is an investment in YOU ~ Yourself, Your Life, Your Soul’s Journey and Evolution…

  • Regular rate is $2444 ~ Early Bird Fast Action Rate is $2222 if FULL payment is received prior to April 1st (SAVE $222 off the FULL and regular fair energy exchange rate of $2444)
  • Deposit of $795 holds your place
  • Balance due after deposit is paid is $1433 if paid before April 15th or $1650 if paid after April 15th
  • Optional Extra Stay through June 3rd ~ Additional $695 if if paid before May 1st or $795 if paid after May 1st
  • FINAL Payment in FULL due no later than May 1st

SPACE IS LIMITED:  Register Today ~ Reserve Your Place NOW! 

Payment Options


 The 2021 Sacred Sedona Retreat SOLD OUT! 


Thank you to ALL who participated!

Deposit to
Hold Your Spot


$1433 if paid before April 15th or $1650 if paid after April 15th


Full Payment

Full Payment
Prior to April 1st



Full Payment
After April 1st




Additional Stay

Additional Stay Prior To May 1st


Additional Stay After May 1st


Volunteer Scholarship Opportunities 

We offer a limited number of Scholarship Opportunities on each of our Sacred Retreats for qualified candidates as space permits. Scholarship Opportunities do require service and contribution as well as covering all of your own expenses ~ they are not free rides.  Alumni and past participants, as well as regular and ongoing participants of Lori’s classes and workshops are given priority when awarding volunteer scholarship opportunities.

Please note: At this time, there are no volunteer and no scholarship opportunities available; if this changes, this page will be updated.

To find out if you qualify for a Scholarship Opportunity, click here.

Refund Policy

Please note that because of event and retreat planning process, we are not able to offer refunds. We request and require you to purchase travel insurance so that in the event of a cancellation, you will be eligible for a refund.. For our standard refund policy, please read here.