New Year ~ New You: Training & Healing for The Upcoming Year

New Year, New Life, New You!

Up~Level and Align with Your Most Benevolent Best Trajectory

and Create Your Highest Reality for 2024

4 Part Home Study Webinar for People and Animals
With A BONUS Healing Webinar With Lori
Plus Two LIVE Support Q&A Webinars With Lori ~ This Offer Good Only Through November 30th 2023

Welcome To The Year Of Taking Radical Responsibility
Becoming A Conscious Creator Of Your Reality

Unlock, Awaken and Activate The GIFTS Of 2023 ~ The Year of Dramatic Transformation

Massive consciousness shifting for humanity on a global scale is well underway.

As HUmanity begins to transition out of the wormhole of the past few years and begins to UP~level into The New 5th Dimensional Paradigm which is already available, we now have the unprecedented opportunity to navigate 2023 with an entire new way of operating and an entirely new set of operating guidelines, according to the new earth paradigm and The 5th Dimensional Reality and beyond.

Discover how the cosmos is supporting the Evolution of Gaia and Your Spiritual Ascension…

Emerge through the WORM HOLE of the past few years with DIVINE GLORIOUS SUCCESS and begin the next phase of your Ascension with the Divine Support and Assistance from The Higher Realms so that you can continue to navigate these turbulent times with ease, grace and benevolence and UP~Level Your Alignment to your most benevolent best trajectory during this combo home study webinar.

Experience a higher level perspective regarding what is really happening on our planet, the galaxy, our entire Universe, and beyond, as well as how to use this particular portal period to truly accelerate your spiritual journey and alignment with your most benevolent best trajectory and earthly experience.

It’s time to step into your power and take radical responsibility for your life, including how you show up in the world, who you are and how you love.

During this channeled webinar, you will be Divinely guided and Divinely provided with new downloads and sacred energy activations and divine healing from these benevolent beings of love and light in the non physical as they assist you (and your animals too!) during this most pivotal year of Ascension.

Lori also provides new initiations, activations and sacred downloads and attunements to help people more fully connect and align with the higher frequencies of light, which are here, now,  and which will more fully shift and up-level humanity as well as assist those who have been energetically, emotionally, mentally and/or physically challenged during this time.

It’s Time To Take Radical Responsibility For Transforming Your Life While Also Engaging In Radical Self Love, Self Care and Self Nurturing For Dramatic Personal And Spiritual Progress And Transformation.

In addition to the content which will be taught, there will also be direct healing downloads, and channeled guidance and support from the higher realms of the non physical guides, teachers, loved ones and masters in the non physical realm.

Each class will also include live energy healing, coaching and support for all participants.

PLUS! Register before November 30th and get two bonus LIVE Q&A Support Webinars with Lori so you can get your questions answered and get the guidance and support you need as you navigate the years ahead.

This home study program is designed to support Spiritually Minded Animal Lovers, Practicing Energy Healers and Intuitives, Empaths, Sensitives, Indigos and Awakening Lightworkers, Starseeds and Wayshowers in cultivating and navigating their developing gifts and skill sets and also in healing their own personal issues so that they can better be of service and make a clearer, more effective contribution to those they support.

Group Healing Events are focused primarily on Energy Healing for all participants who are choosing to release old, unwanted emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and energetic baggage, pain, trauma, suffering, and issues from the past.

Here’s what you’ll receive:

  • 4 Previously Recorded, Home Study Webinar Calls with Lori as described below:
    • Welcoming In The New Year of Magic, Miracles and Divine Change ~ A 2 Hour LIVE webinar setting YOU up for success and to successfully navigate the new year ahead and your most benevolent best timeline. 
    •  The 2 Part Home Study Course ~ NEW YEAR ~ NEW YOU ~ A Year of Living GLORIOUSLY! totaling over 5+ hours in course instructional content 
    •  85+ page ebook / eworkbook pdf
    • Divine Downloads and Sacred Activations
    • 2+ Hour Healing & Support, which also includes:
      • Sacred Ceremony, Massive Clean Up ~ healing and resolution from all traumas and dramas, pain and suffering from previous years
      • Manifestation and conscious co-creation and laying the proper foundation for YOUR MOST BENEVOLENT BEST in 2023 and beyond…PLUS A BONUS Previously Recorded Q & A Coaching & Support Webinar with Lori
      • Live Call Replay Access
      • Access To The Membership Portal for an entire year ahead

All valued at $1,111+

PLUS: Join us TODAY and you will also receive 2 BONUS LIVE Group Q&A Coaching Calls with Lori, valued at an additional $2500

Total Value at $3,500+

    Here’s how you will benefit:

    • Clear, heal, resolve, release and set yourself free from the 3D Paradigm
    • Liberate yourself from old past life ~ parallel life traumas and dramas
    • Manifest, materialize, create, actualize and align with your highest and most benevolent best reality for 2021 and beyond
    • Step forward into the new 5D Paradigm, FREE FROM the fear, density, dross and gravity of your past and
    • Up~level your core vibration to the new higher Octave which is ALL new and available NOW for all willing hearts
    • Step forward into the new 5D Paradigm with JOY and BLISS
    • Learn to work more fully with your own HIGHER Self and your own FUTURE SELF for greater clarity, guidance and support on your journey
    • Receive and integrate the higher level perspective regarding the current collective trajectory, including what is happening on our planet, our Galaxy, our Universe, and all of existence
    • Accelerate your spiritual journey and your trajectory into the years ahead
    • Move forward with ease, grace, benevolence, certainty and JOY as you reintegrate into your new 5D Reality
    • Experience the CERTAINTY, SAFETY and EFFORTLESS FLOW of the new 5th Dimensional Paradigm. 

    This is your opportunity to prepare yourself for the next phase of evolution, to finally resolve anything outstanding from your old past ~ parallel timelines, prepare for all new beginnings, and usher in an all new 5th Dimensional deepening of love, peace, joy, abundance, prosperity, health, well being and most importantly, your true divine alignment with your divine mission, service and contribution. 

    • PLUS: Join us TODAY and you will also receive 2 BONUS LIVE Group Q&A Coaching Calls with Lori, valued at an additional $2500

      Total Value at $3,500+

    Current Fast Action Registration Event Rate ~ Only $597

     This fast action registration rate is provided to assist those who want to benefit from this truly empowering, transformational event and who are truly READY for the next best step in your life to align with your soul’s most magnificent best!

    All events are recorded for the exclusive use of the group members.  Participants will receive the webinar recordings.  All of the coaching, training, and live energy healing is just as effective in delayed playback.

    Or Two Payments of $315 each:

    - I have read and agree with our Terms of Use

    The pre-recorded video webinar information with access to the membership portal will be emailed directly to your payment email address.  You do not have to be present on the live call to receive the benefits. As always, the live energy will be equally effective in delayed playback.  The call will be recorded for delayed listening and will be also emailed directly to all participants.

    *Special discounted offer rates cannot be combined with any other special offers, discounts or coupons. Advanced discounted tuition rates on classes are non refundable. Class tuition is transferable to other classes and workshops for a small transfer fee.  For additional information on our refund policy, please click here.

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